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SearchGoogle itResults 11 - 17 of 17 for funcall:strcpy from t2ex (0.01 seconds)
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fimp/src/fimp_fat.c - 201.0KB - 6,353 lines
4860:                 nmlen = strlen((B*)nm);
4861:                 if (nmlen <= nmsz) strcpy(e->d_name, (B*)nm);
4862:         } else {
More results from fimp_fat.c
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_attach.c - 4.7KB - 143 lines
125:         } else {
126:                 strcpy((B*)cond->c_coninf.devnm, devnm);
127:         }
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_chdir.c - 3.1KB - 92 lines
79:                 /* Set new curdir */
80:                 strcpy(env->t_ctx->x_curdir, path.p_name);
81:         }
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_con.c - 7.1KB - 244 lines
166:                 /* Append to "root" with BUSY */
167:                 strcpy(p->c_coninf.connm, connm);
168:                 p->c_desc.d_flags |= CON_BUSY;
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_fchdr.c - 3.5KB - 106 lines
90:                 /* Set new curdir */
91:                 strcpy(env->t_ctx->x_curdir, buf);
92:         }
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_fimp.c - 6.7KB - 223 lines
147:                 /* append to "root" with BUSY */
148:                 strcpy(p->p_fimpinf.fimpnm, fimpnm);
149:                 p->p_fimpinf.fimpsd = NULL;
t2ex_source/t2ex/network/net/src/netmain/tkn_resctl.c - 9.2KB - 311 lines
90:         }
91:         strcpy( new->table.host, x->host );
92:         if( x->aliases != NULL ) {
More results from tkn_resctl.c