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SearchGoogle itResults 21 - 26 of 26 for funcall:EXTRACT_WORDS (0.01 seconds)
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_nextafter.c - 2.8KB - 89 lines
34:         EXTRACT_WORDS(hx,lx,x);
35:         EXTRACT_WORDS(hy,ly,y);
More results from s_nextafter.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_nexttowardf.c - 2.5KB - 74 lines
33:         GET_FLOAT_WORD(hx,x);
34:         EXTRACT_WORDS(hy,ly,y);
35:         ix = hx&0x7fffffff;            /* |x| */
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_remquo.c - 4.9KB - 163 lines
37:         EXTRACT_WORDS(hx,lx,x);
38:         EXTRACT_WORDS(hy,ly,y);
More results from s_remquo.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_rint.c - 2.5KB - 89 lines
43:         volatile double w;     /* clip extra precision */
44:         EXTRACT_WORDS(i0,i1,x);
45:         sx = (i0>>31)&1;
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_tanh.c - 2.7KB - 90 lines
53:     /* High word of |x|. */
54:         EXTRACT_WORDS(jx,lx,x);
55:         ix = jx&0x7fffffff;
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_trunc.c - 2.1KB - 77 lines
41:         u_int32_t i;
42:         EXTRACT_WORDS(i0,i1,x);
43:         jj0 = ((i0>>20)&0x7ff)-0x3ff;