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SearchGoogle itResults 51 - 60 of 60 for funcall:memcpy from t2ex (0.04 seconds)
t2ex_source/kernel/sysmain/src/network_sample/dhclient.c - 13.2KB - 407 lines
173:         p.dhcp.yiaddr = state->yiaddr;
174:         memcpy(p.dhcp.chaddr, state->hwaddr, 6);
175:         p.dhcp.cookie = htonl(MAGIC_COOKIE);
More results from dhclient.c
t2ex_source/kernel/sysmain/src/network_sample/util.c - 7.1KB - 246 lines
107:             if ( strncmp(ifname, dl->sdl_data, dl->sdl_nlen) == 0 ) {
108:                 memcpy(buf, LLADDR(dl), 6);
109:                 return 0;
t2ex_source/lib/libtk/src_t2ex/memalloc.c - 12.2KB - 419 lines
363:                         /* Copy contents */
364:                         memcpy(newptr, ptr, oldsz);
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fimp/src/fimp_fat.c - 201.0KB - 6,353 lines
920:                 memcpy(&buf[dofs], &map->m_page->dcp_buf[bufofs], sz);
921:                 offset += sz;
More results from fimp_fat.c
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_getcd.c - 2.5KB - 74 lines
63:         if (len < size) {
64:                 (void)memcpy(buf, env->t_ctx->x_curdir, len + 1);
65:         } else {
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_parse.c - 6.0KB - 177 lines
122:                         len = strlen(str);
123:                         (void)memcpy(buf, str, len);
124:                         /* The last character of buf[] should not be '/' */
t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fs/src/fs_regist.c - 3.6KB - 108 lines
94:         /* Initialize FIMP descriptor */
95:         (void)memcpy(&fimpd->p_fimp, fimp, sizeof(fs_fimp_t));
t2ex_source/t2ex/load/src/src_mem.c - 2.9KB - 97 lines
73:         /* Copy memory contents */
74:         memcpy(adr, p, sz);
75:         return sz;
t2ex_source/t2ex/network/net/src/netmain/if_tkn.c - 28.4KB - 1,184 lines
1065:                 /* Return eb if a single mbuf can store received data. */
1066:                 memcpy(mtod(m, void *), nebuf, nelen);
1067:                 device_attach_rxbufptr(nifp, eb);
t2ex_source/t2ex/network/net/src/netmain/tkn_resctl.c - 9.2KB - 311 lines
83:         }
84:         memcpy( new->table.addr, x->addr, x->addr->sa_len );
More results from tkn_resctl.c