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t2ex_source/t2ex/fs/fimp/src/fimp_fat.c - 201.0KB - 6,353 lines
1358:                 }
1359:                 cl = CEW(((UW *)map->m_page->dcp_buf)[n]);
1360:                 cl &= FAT32_MASK_VALID_CLST;
1447: if (old != NULL) { 1448: cl = CEW(*dp.w) & FAT32_MASK_VALID_CLST; 1449: *old = (cl >= FAT32_EOC) ? CLEND : cl;
1451: new &= FAT32_MASK_VALID_CLST; 1452: *dp.w = CEW(new); 1453: err = fatDCacheUpdate(fs, map->m_page, map->m_info);
3019: inode->fino_filsz = (D) 3020: ((UW)CEW(dirent->de_fsize)); 3021: }
3440: /* Update file system information only when changed */ 3441: if ( fsi->fsi_freecl != CEW(fs->ff_freecl) || 3442: fsi->fsi_nextfree != CEW(fs->ff_nextfree) ) { 3443: 3444: /* Update the free cluster count */ 3445: fsi->fsi_freecl = CEW(fs->ff_freecl); 3446: 3447: /* Record the start position to search free clusters */ 3448: fsi->fsi_nextfree = CEW(fs->ff_nextfree); 3449:
3478: } else { 3479: dir.di_dirent->de_fsize = (W)CEW(inode->fino_filsz); 3480: dir.di_dirent->de_ftype |= FAT_ARCHIV;
4113: /* Check signature */ 4114: if ( fsi->fsi_leadsig == CEW(FSINFO_LEADSIGN_VAL) && 4115: fsi->fsi_structsig == CEW(FSINFO_STRUCTSIGN_VAL) && 4116: fsi->fsi_trailsig == CEW(FSINFO_TAILSIGN_VAL)) { 4117: fs->ff_fsinfo = fsinfo; /* Active */