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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 2 of 2 for funcall:MPC_P1nPFS (0.00 seconds)
device/i2c/sysdepend/rx231/i2c_rx231.c - 11.4KB - 335 lines
307:         out_b(MPC_PWPR, MPC_PWMR_PFSWE);               // PWPR.PFSWE = 1
308:         out_b(MPC_P1nPFS(6), 0x0F);                    // P16 = SCL0
309:         out_b(MPC_P1nPFS(7), 0x0F);                    // P17 = SDA0
More results from i2c_rx231.c
kernel/sysdepend/iote_rx231/hw_setting.c - 4.0KB - 147 lines
53: #if USE_SDEV_DRV        // Use the sample device driver
54:         {MPC_P1nPFS(6), 0x0F},         /* P16 = SCL0 */
55:         {MPC_P1nPFS(7), 0x0F},         /* P17 = SDA0 */
More results from hw_setting.c