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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 3 of 3 for funcall:Malloc (0.02 seconds)
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/console_drv.c - 31.8KB - 957 lines
564:                                 if (!p->h_buf) {
565:                                         if (!(p->h_buf = Malloc(HIST_BUFSZ)))
566:                                                         rtn = -1;
More results from console_drv.c
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/line_drv.c - 5.3KB - 177 lines
143:         /* Initialize the serial line management information */
144:         LineInfo = (LINE_INFO *)Malloc(sizeof(LINE_INFO) * nPorts);
145:         if (! LineInfo) {nPorts = 0; return E_NOMEM;}
More results from line_drv.c
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/ns16450.c - 30.8KB - 891 lines
819:                         UB *new, *old;
820:                         new = Malloc(n);
821:                         if ( new != NULL ) {