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t2ex_source/kernel/sysmain/src/network_sample/net_conf.c - 7.2KB - 233 lines
86:          */
87:         NETDBG("Assign INADDR_ANY to Neta before transmitting DHCP packets.");
88:         set_ifaddr("Neta", htonl(INADDR_ANY), htonl(INADDR_ANY));
90:         NETDBG("Retrieve network information from a DHCP server.");
91:         dhclient("Neta");
106: */ 107: NETDBG("Assign a IP address to Neta."); 108: set_ifaddr("Neta", inet_addr(IPADDR), inet_addr(NETMASK)); 109: NETDBG("Bring up Neta."); 110: if_updown("Neta", 1);
114: */ 115: NETDBG("Set a default gateway."); 116: index = so_ifnametoindex("Neta");
122: #if defined(DNSSERVER1) || defined(DNSSERVER2) || defined(DNSSERVER3) 123: NETDBG("Configure DNS."); 124: memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
166: 167: NETDBG("Network initialization."); 168:
187: if (emu != 0) { 188: NETDBG("Set the minium packet size to 42 byte for using emulator."); 189: netdrv_set_minpktsz("Neta", 42);
197: */ 198: NETDBG("Assign to lo0."); 199: set_ifaddr("lo0", htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK), inet_addr("")); 200: NETDBG("Bring up lo0."); 201: if_updown("lo0", 1);
210: */ 211: NETDBG("Attach a device driver Neta."); 212: ercd = so_ifattach("Neta");
227: */ 228: NETDBG("Add an entry for localhost into the host name table."); 229: add_hosttable("localhost", htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK));