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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 10 of 32 for funcall:SET_FLOAT_WORD (0.01 seconds)
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_acosf.c - 2.7KB - 77 lines
68:             GET_FLOAT_WORD(idf,df);
69:             SET_FLOAT_WORD(df,idf&0xfffff000);
70:             c  = (z-df*df)/(s+df);
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_asinf.c - 2.7KB - 80 lines
71:             GET_FLOAT_WORD(iw,w);
72:             SET_FLOAT_WORD(w,iw&0xfffff000);
73:             c  = (t-w*w)/(s+w);
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_atan2f.c - 3.2KB - 93 lines
85:                       GET_FLOAT_WORD(zh,z);
86:                       SET_FLOAT_WORD(z,zh ^ 0x80000000);
87:                     }
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_atanhf.c - 1.2KB - 41 lines
33:         if(ix<0x31800000&&(huge+x)>zero) return x;     /* x<2**-28 */
34:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,ix);
35:         if(ix<0x3f000000) {            /* x < 0.5 */
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_expf.c - 3.2KB - 92 lines
83:             GET_FLOAT_WORD(hy,y);
84:             SET_FLOAT_WORD(y,hy+(k<<23));      /* add k to y's exponent */
85:             return y;
More results from e_expf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_fmodf.c - 3.1KB - 101 lines
92:             hx = ((hx-0x00800000)|((iy+127)<<23));
93:             SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,hx|sx);
94:         } else {               /* subnormal output */
More results from e_fmodf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_hypotf.c - 2.5KB - 79 lines
29:         if(hb > ha) {a=y;b=x;j=ha; ha=hb;hb=j;} else {a=x;b=y;}
30:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(a,ha);  /* a <- |a| */
31:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(b,hb);  /* b <- |b| */
More results from e_hypotf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_log10f.c - 1.5KB - 51 lines
47:         y  = (float)(k+i);
48:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,hx);
49:         z  = y*log10_2lo + ivln10*logf(x);
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_log2f.c - 2.3KB - 76 lines
51:         i = (ix+(0x95f64<<3))&0x800000;
52:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,ix|(i^0x3f800000));   /* normalize x or x/2 */
53:         k += (i>>23);
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/e_logf.c - 2.6KB - 81 lines
52:         i = (ix+(0x95f64<<3))&0x800000;
53:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,ix|(i^0x3f800000));   /* normalize x or x/2 */
54:         k += (i>>23);