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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 10 of 12 for funcall:TAILQ_HEAD (0.03 seconds)
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/include/sys/proc.h - 24.6KB - 595 lines
159:         TAILQ_HEAD(,proc) ps_threads;  /* Threads in this process. */
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/include/sys/sched.h - 8.7KB - 218 lines
110:         TAILQ_HEAD(prochead, proc) spc_qs[SCHED_NQS];
111:         volatile uint32_t spc_whichqs;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/subr_hash.c - 4.7KB - 132 lines
57:         SLIST_HEAD(, generic) *hashtbl_slist;
58:         TAILQ_HEAD(, generic) *hashtbl_tailq;
59:         size_t esize;
More results from subr_hash.c
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/if.h - 41.3KB - 977 lines
242:         TAILQ_ENTRY(ifnet) if_list;    /* all struct ifnets are chained */
243:         TAILQ_HEAD(, ifaddr) if_addrlist; /* linked list of addresses per if */
244:         char   if_xname[IFNAMSIZ];       /* external name (name + unit) */
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/if_media.h - 32.9KB - 643 lines
109:         struct ifmedia_entry *ifm_cur; /* currently selected media */
110:         TAILQ_HEAD(, ifmedia_entry) ifm_list; /* list of all supported media */
111:         ifm_change_cb_t        ifm_change;    /* media change driver callback */
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/route.h - 17.7KB - 470 lines
290:         unsigned long                  rtq_count;
291:         TAILQ_HEAD(, rttimer)          rtq_head;
292:         LIST_ENTRY(rttimer_queue)      rtq_link;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/netinet/in_var.h - 13.0KB - 369 lines
137: LIST_HEAD(in_ifaddrhashhead, in_ifaddr);        /* Type of the hash head */
138: TAILQ_HEAD(in_ifaddrhead, in_ifaddr);           /* Type of the list head */
139: LIST_HEAD(in_multihashhead, in_multi);          /* Type of the hash head */
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/netinet/tcp_var.h - 41.5KB - 925 lines
503: struct syn_cache_head {
504:         TAILQ_HEAD(, syn_cache) sch_bucket;    /* bucket entries */
505:         u_short sch_length;                    /* # entries in bucket */
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/callback.h - 2.4KB - 67 lines
48:         kcondvar_t ch_cv;
49:         TAILQ_HEAD(, callback_entry) ch_q;
50:         struct callback_entry *ch_next;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/cpu_data.h - 5.1KB - 122 lines
98:         void           *cpu_softcpu;            /* soft interrupt table */
99:         TAILQ_HEAD(,buf) cpu_biodone;          /* finished block xfers */
100:         percpu_cpu_t   cpu_percpu;               /* per-cpu data */