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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/compat/sys/sockio.h - 5.1KB - 122 lines
78: #define OSIOCSIFADDR     _IOW('i', 12, struct oifreq)      /* set ifnet address */
79: #define OOSIOCGIFADDR    _IOWR('i', 13, struct oifreq)    /* get ifnet address */
More results from sockio.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/config/rnd.h - 7.4KB - 209 lines
204: #define RNDGETSRCNAME   _IOWR('R', 103, rndstat_name_t) /* get src by name */
205: #define RNDCTL          _IOW('R',  104, rndctl_t)  /* set/clear source flags */
206: #define RNDADDDATA      _IOW('R',  105, rnddata_t) /* add data to the pool */
More results from rnd.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/bpf.h - 9.8KB - 282 lines
116: #define BIOCSBLEN       _IOWR('B',102, u_int)
117: #define BIOCSETF         _IOW('B',103, struct bpf_program)
118: #define BIOCFLUSH         _IO('B',104)
More results from bpf.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/if_tun.h - 2.1KB - 62 lines
54: /* ioctl's for get/set debug */
55: #define TUNSDEBUG       _IOW('t', 90, int)
56: #define TUNGDEBUG       _IOR('t', 89, int)
More results from if_tun.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net80211/ieee80211_ioctl.h - 30.6KB - 614 lines
416: #ifdef __FreeBSD__
417: #define SIOCS80211               _IOW('i', 234, struct ieee80211req)
418: #define SIOCG80211              _IOWR('i', 235, struct ieee80211req)
More results from ieee80211_ioctl.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/netinet6/in6_var.h - 28.7KB - 703 lines
387: #define SIOCSIFADDR_IN6          _IOW('i', 12, struct in6_ifreq)
388: #define SIOCGIFADDR_IN6         _IOWR('i', 33, struct in6_ifreq)
More results from in6_var.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/filio.h - 3.1KB - 62 lines
47: #define FIONREAD        _IOR('f', 127, int)    /* get # bytes to read */
48: #define FIONBIO         _IOW('f', 126, int)    /* set/clear non-blocking i/o */
49: #define FIOASYNC        _IOW('f', 125, int)    /* set/clear async i/o */
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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/ioctl.h - 4.2KB - 122 lines
81: #define PTIOCNETBSD     _IOW('Z', 0, struct ioctl_pt)
82: #define PTIOCSUNOS      _IOW('Z', 1, struct ioctl_pt)
More results from ioctl.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/sockio.h - 6.6KB - 129 lines
39: /* Socket ioctl's. */
40: #define SIOCSHIWAT       _IOW('s',  0, int)          /* set high watermark */
41: #define SIOCGHIWAT       _IOR('s',  1, int)          /* get high watermark */
More results from sockio.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/ttycom.h - 8.8KB - 164 lines
84:                                                 /* 15 unused */
85: #define TIOCFLUSH       _IOW('t', 16, int)    /* flush buffers */
86:                                                 /* 17-18 compat */
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