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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/compat/sys/sockio.h - 5.1KB - 122 lines
78: #define OSIOCSIFADDR     _IOW('i', 12, struct oifreq)      /* set ifnet address */
79: #define OOSIOCGIFADDR    _IOWR('i', 13, struct oifreq)    /* get ifnet address */
80: #define OSIOCSIFDSTADDR  _IOW('i', 14, struct oifreq)   /* set p-p address */
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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/config/rnd.h - 7.4KB - 209 lines
202: #define RNDGETENTCNT    _IOR('R',  101, uint32_t) /* get entropy count */
203: #define RNDGETSRCNUM    _IOWR('R', 102, rndstat_t) /* get rnd source info */
204: #define RNDGETSRCNAME   _IOWR('R', 103, rndstat_name_t) /* get src by name */
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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/bpf.h - 9.8KB - 282 lines
115: #define BIOCGBLEN        _IOR('B',102, u_int)
116: #define BIOCSBLEN       _IOWR('B',102, u_int)
117: #define BIOCSETF         _IOW('B',103, struct bpf_program)
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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net80211/ieee80211_ioctl.h - 30.6KB - 614 lines
417: #define SIOCS80211               _IOW('i', 234, struct ieee80211req)
418: #define SIOCG80211              _IOWR('i', 235, struct ieee80211req)
419: #define SIOCG80211STATS         _IOWR('i', 236, struct ifreq)
More results from ieee80211_ioctl.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/netinet6/in6_var.h - 28.7KB - 703 lines
387: #define SIOCSIFADDR_IN6          _IOW('i', 12, struct in6_ifreq)
388: #define SIOCGIFADDR_IN6         _IOWR('i', 33, struct in6_ifreq)
More results from in6_var.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/event.h - 9.8KB - 258 lines
145: /* map filter to name (max size len) */
146: #define KFILTER_BYFILTER        _IOWR('k', 0, struct kfilter_mapping)
147: /* map name to filter (len ignored) */
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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/filio.h - 3.1KB - 62 lines
51: #define FIOGETOWN       _IOR('f', 123, int)   /* get owner */
52: #define OFIOGETBMAP     _IOWR('f', 122, uint32_t) /* get underlying block no. */
53: #define FIOGETBMAP      _IOWR('f', 122, daddr_t) /* get underlying block no. */
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bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/sys/sockio.h - 6.6KB - 129 lines
51: #define SIOCSIFADDR      _IOW('i', 12, struct ifreq)        /* set ifnet address */
52: #define SIOCGIFADDR     _IOWR('i', 33, struct ifreq)        /* get ifnet address */
More results from sockio.h
t2ex_source/include/t2ex/sys/ioctl.h - 4.9KB - 120 lines
100: #define SIOCSIFFLAGS    _IOW('i', 16, struct ifreq)        /* set ifnet flags */
101: #define SIOCGIFFLAGS    _IOWR('i', 17, struct ifreq)       /* get ifnet flags */
102: #define SIOCSIFBRDADDR  _IOW('i', 19, struct ifreq)      /* set broadcast addr */
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