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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 10 of 15 for funcall:__predict_true (0.02 seconds)
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/kern_descrip.c - 60.6KB - 2,238 lines
461:         fp = ff->ff_file;
462:         if (__predict_true(fp != NULL)) {
463:                 return fp;
More results from kern_descrip.c
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/kern_synch.c - 38.4KB - 1,245 lines
456:                 /* Do it! */
457:                 if (__predict_true((dop & DOPREEMPT_COUNTED) == 0)) {
458:                         kpreempt_ev_immed.ev_count++;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/kern_timeout.c - 28.1KB - 920 lines
197:                 mutex_spin_enter(lock);
198:                 if (__predict_true(lock == &c->c_cpu->cc_lock))
199:                         return lock;
More results from kern_timeout.c
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/subr_pool.c - 105.3KB - 3,534 lines
1130:         /* Insert into the list of all pools. */
1131:         if (__predict_true(!cold))
1132:                 mutex_enter(&pool_head_lock);
More results from subr_pool.c
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/uipc_mbuf.c - 57.8KB - 1,910 lines
1672:         if (__predict_true(m->m_ext.ext_refcnt == 1)) {
1673:                 refcnt = m->m_ext.ext_refcnt = 0;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/uipc_socket.c - 76.4KB - 2,408 lines
1396:         /* If m is non-NULL, we have some data to read. */
1397:         if (__predict_true(m != NULL)) {
1398:                 type = m->m_type;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/kern/uipc_socket2.c - 45.7KB - 1,544 lines
1492:         for (;;) {
1493:                 if (__predict_true((sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK) == 0)) {
1494:                         sb->sb_flags |= SB_LOCK;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/lib/libkern/libkern.h - 10.3KB - 348 lines
180: #ifdef __STDC__
181: #define assert(e)       (__predict_true((e)) ? (void)0 :                  \
182:                             __kernassert("", __FILE__, __LINE__, #e))
More results from libkern.h
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/net/if_ethersubr.c - 51.3KB - 1,589 lines
755:         if (ifp->if_agrprivate &&
756:             __predict_true(etype != ETHERTYPE_SLOWPROTOCOLS)) {
757:                 m->m_flags &= ~M_PROMISC;
bsd_source/t2ex/network/net/src_bsd/netinet/in4_cksum.c - 3.4KB - 104 lines
78:         w = (uint16_t *)(mtod(m, char  *) + offsetof(struct ip, ip_src));
79:         if (__predict_true((uintptr_t)w % 2 == 0)) {
80:                 sum += w[0];