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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 5 of 5 for funcall:__vfprintf (0.00 seconds)
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/stdio/snprintf.c - 2.6KB - 68 lines
63:         va_start(ap, fmt);
64:         ret = __vfprintf(&f, fmt, ap);
65:         va_end(ap);
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/stdio/sprintf.c - 2.4KB - 64 lines
59:         va_start(ap, fmt);
60:         ret = __vfprintf(&f, fmt, ap);
61:         va_end(ap);
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/stdio/vfprintf.c - 58.5KB - 1,551 lines
140:         /* do the work, then copy any error status */
141:         ret = __vfprintf(&fake, fmt, ap);
142:         if (ret >= 0 && __sflush(&fake))
More results from vfprintf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/stdio/vsnprintf.c - 2.5KB - 64 lines
60:         f._bf._size = f._w = n - 1;
61:         ret = __vfprintf(&f, fmt, ap);
62:         *f._p = '\0';
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/stdio/vsprintf.c - 2.3KB - 59 lines
55:         f._bf._size = f._w = INT_MAX;
56:         ret = __vfprintf(&f, fmt, ap);
57:         *f._p = '\0';