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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 3 of 3 for funcall:define_inthdr (0.00 seconds)
kernel/sysdepend/cpu/em1d/cpu_calls.c - 11.7KB - 449 lines
98:                 }
99:                 define_inthdr(dintno, inthdr);
100:                 END_CRITICAL_SECTION;
More results from cpu_calls.c
kernel/sysdepend/cpu/em1d/cpu_init.c - 6.3KB - 177 lines
65:         /* install the exception handler used by the OS */
66:         define_inthdr(SWI_SVC,     call_entry);
67:         define_inthdr(SWI_RETINT,   _tk_ret_int);
More results from cpu_init.c
kernel/sysdepend/device/tef_em1d/tkdev_timer.h - 4.5KB - 185 lines
79:         /* define interrupt handler */
80:         define_inthdr(VECNO_TIMER, timer_handler_startup);