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bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/time/strptime.c - 28.1KB - 732 lines
646:                 const int year = tm->tm_year + TM_YEAR_BASE;
647:                 const int *mon_lens = mon_lengths[isleap(year)];
648:                 if (!(fields & FIELD_TM_YDAY) &&
t2ex_source/t2ex/datetime/src/gmtime.c - 3.6KB - 116 lines
95:         for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
96:                 md = (i == 1 && isleap(result->tm_year)) ? 29 : _dt_mdays[i];
97:                 if (d < md) {
t2ex_source/t2ex/datetime/src/localtime.c - 5.4KB - 156 lines
65:         case DSTTIMESPEC_JULIAN_NL:
66:                 if (isleap(tm->tm_year + 1900)
67:                     && tm->tm_yday > (_dt_mdays[0] + _dt_mdays[1])) {
t2ex_source/t2ex/datetime/src/mktime.c - 4.6KB - 151 lines
71:         for (i = 0, yday = 0; i < tm->tm_mon; i++) {
72:                 if (i == 1 && isleap(tm->tm_year + 1900)) {
73:                         yday += 29;
t2ex_source/t2ex/datetime/src/strftime.c - 13.2KB - 368 lines
88:                 /* The given date belongs to the previous week-based year */
89:                 d = 365 + (isleap(1900 + t -> tm_yday - 1) ? 1 : 0); /* the number of days for the previous year */
90:                 k = ( k + (53 * 7) - d) % 7; /* day of the week of the previous January 1st */
t2ex_source/t2ex/datetime/src/strptime.c - 11.7KB - 329 lines
304:                         for (i = 0; i < tm->tm_mon; i++) {
305:                                 tm->tm_yday += (i == 1 && isleap(tm->tm_year + 1900)) ? 29 : _dt_mdays[i];
306:                         }
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