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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 7 of 7 for funcall:in_indp from mtkernel_3 (0.00 seconds)
kernel/sysdepend/cpu/core/armv7a/cpu_status.h - 3.8KB - 139 lines
108: #define in_ddsp()       ( knl_dispatch_disabled               \
109:                         || in_indp()                         \
110:                         || (knl_getCPSR() & PSR_I) )
More results from cpu_status.h
kernel/sysdepend/cpu/core/armv7m/cpu_status.h - 3.3KB - 118 lines
99: #define in_ddsp()       ( knl_dispatch_disabled       \
100:                         || in_indp()         \
101:                         || isDI(get_basepri()) )
More results from cpu_status.h
kernel/sysdepend/cpu/core/rxv2/cpu_status.h - 3.3KB - 119 lines
100: #define in_ddsp()       ( knl_dispatch_disabled       \
101:                         || in_indp()         \
102:                         || isDI( GetCpuIntLevel()-1) )
More results from cpu_status.h
kernel/tkernel/check.h - 8.9KB - 247 lines
26: #define CHECK_TSKID(tskid) {                                    \
27:         if (!in_indp() && ((tskid) == TSK_SELF)) {             \
28:                 return E_OBJ;                                 \
More results from check.h
kernel/tkernel/messagebuf.c - 17.3KB - 640 lines
314:         } else if ( (in_indp() || knl_gcb_top_of_wait_queue((GCB*)mbfcb, knl_ctxtsk) == knl_ctxtsk)
315:                   &&(knl_mbf_free(mbfcb, msgsz)) ) {
kernel/tkernel/misc_calls.c - 3.4KB - 118 lines
31:         if ( in_indp() ) {
32:                 pk_rsys->sysstat = TSS_INDP;
More results from misc_calls.c
kernel/tkernel/task_manage.c - 14.9KB - 622 lines
232: #if CHK_CTX2
233:         if ( in_indp() ) {
234:                 SYSTEM_MESSAGE("tk_ext_tsk was called in the task independent\n");
More results from task_manage.c