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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 3 of 3 for funcall:PageCount from t2ex (0.00 seconds)
t2ex_source/kernel/extension/memory/t2ex/memmgr.c - 15.3KB - 590 lines
77: {
78:         return PageCount(byte);
79: }
More results from memmgr.c
t2ex_source/kernel/sysmgr/src_t2ex/imalloc.c - 13.7KB - 479 lines
294:                 EI(imask);
295:                 n = PageCount(size + sizeof(QUEUE) * 2);
296:                 q = GetSysMemBlk(n, imacb->mematr);
t2ex_source/t2ex/load/src/ldr_elf.c - 40.4KB - 1,085 lines
1027:         /* Get load size (the number of pages) */
1028:         npage = PageCount(eli.bss_ladr + eli.bss_size - top_adr);