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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 10 of 22 for funcall:QueInit from tkernel_2 (0.01 seconds)
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/console_drv.c - 31.8KB - 957 lines
916:         /* Initialization */
917:         QueInit(&ConsPort);
driver/tef_em1d/kbpd/src/statmach.c - 10.8KB - 383 lines
184:         /* key */
185:         QueInit(&StatMach.useq);
186:         QueInit(&StatMach.freq);
More results from statmach.c
kernel/sysmgr/src/device.c - 22.4KB - 827 lines
139:         QueInit(&UsedDevCB);
140:         QueInit(&FreeDevCB);
More results from device.c
kernel/sysmgr/src/deviceio.c - 35.3KB - 1,328 lines
58:                 /* Initialization of open device management queue */
59:                 QueInit(&rescb->openq);
60:         }
More results from deviceio.c
kernel/sysmgr/src/imalloc.c - 12.0KB - 441 lines
160:         }
161:         QueInit(aq + 2);
162: }
More results from imalloc.c
kernel/tkernel/src/eventflag.c - 11.8KB - 477 lines
72:         /* Register all control blocks onto FreeQue */
73:         QueInit(&free_flgcb);
74:         end = flgcb_table + NUM_FLGID;
More results from eventflag.c
kernel/tkernel/src/klock.c - 5.4KB - 190 lines
38:                         /* Lock */
39:                         QueInit(&loc->wtskq);
More results from klock.c
kernel/tkernel/src/mailbox.c - 11.4KB - 462 lines
82:         /* Register all control blocks onto FreeQue */
83:         QueInit(&free_mbxcb);
84:         end = mbxcb_table + NUM_MBXID;
More results from mailbox.c
kernel/tkernel/src/mempfix.c - 12.5KB - 498 lines
83:         /* Register all control blocks onto FreeQue */
84:         QueInit(&free_mpfcb);
85:         end = mpfcb_table + NUM_MPFID;
More results from mempfix.c
kernel/tkernel/src/mempool.c - 20.9KB - 791 lines
78:         /* Register all control blocks onto FreeQue */
79:         QueInit(&free_mplcb);
80:         end = mplcb_table + NUM_MPLID;
More results from mempool.c