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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 4 of 4 for funcall:chkAreaFlag from tkernel_2 (0.00 seconds)
kernel/sysmgr/src/imalloc.c - 12.0KB - 441 lines
316:         if ( !chkAreaFlag(aq->next, AREA_END|AREA_USE) ) {
317:                 /* Merge with free area in after location */
More results from imalloc.c
kernel/tkernel/src/mempool.c - 20.9KB - 791 lines
308: #if CHK_PAR
309:         if ( !chkAreaFlag(aq, AREA_USE) ) {
310:                 return E_PAR;
More results from mempool.c
lib/libtk/src/memalloc.c - 10.9KB - 395 lines
307:                 /* Merge if next space is free space */
308:                 if ( !chkAreaFlag(aq->next, AREA_END|AREA_USE) ) {
309:                         removeFreeQue(aq->next + 1);
More results from memalloc.c
lib/libtk/src/memcheck.c - 4.3KB - 142 lines
45:                 if ( newpg && !chkAreaFlag(aq, AREA_TOP) ) {
46:                         goto err_found;
More results from memcheck.c