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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 4 of 4 for funcall:tk_snd_mbf from tkernel_2 (0.00 seconds)
driver/tef_em1d/kbpd/src/etc.c - 12.3KB - 435 lines
37:         /* event notification */
38:         ercd = tk_snd_mbf(kpMgrInfo.eventMbf, evt, size, TMO_FEVR);
39:         if ( ercd != E_OK ) {
driver/tef_em1d/lowkbpd/src/hwkbpd.c - 17.6KB - 631 lines
232:         msg.hw.dt[5] = (y >> 8) & 0xff;
233:         tk_snd_mbf(InpMbf, &msg, sizeof(msg), TMO_POL);
234: fin0:
More results from hwkbpd.c
driver/tef_em1d/sysdsk/src/common.c - 5.1KB - 174 lines
44:         /* Send to the message buffer for event notification:ignore error */
45:         er = tk_snd_mbf(drv->MbfId, (void*)&evt, sizeof(evt), TMO_EVENT);
46: }
kernel/sysmgr/src/syslog.c - 5.1KB - 221 lines
95:                 }
96:                 ercd = tk_snd_mbf(log_mbfid, (void*)string, len, TMO_POL);
97:                 if ( ercd == E_OK ) {