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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 8 of 8 for funcall:tk_wai_flg from tkernel_2 (0.01 seconds)
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/consmlock.c - 3.7KB - 170 lines
97:                 }
98:                 err = tk_wai_flg(lock->id, ptn, TWF_ORW|TWF_BITCLR, &flg, tmo);
99:                 if ( err < E_OK ) break;
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/console_drv.c - 31.8KB - 957 lines
212:         while (nptr == p->in_rptr) {
213:                 if (tk_wai_flg(p->flg, FLG_IN_EVT, TWF_ORW | TWF_BITCLR,
214:                                &flgptn, tmout)) return -1;
More results from console_drv.c
driver/tef_em1d/console/src/ns16450.c - 30.8KB - 891 lines
514:                 /* Wait for receiving or line status change */
515:                 er = tk_wai_flg(li->flg, FLG_IN_WAIPTN,
516:                                 TWF_ORW | TWF_BITCLR, &flgptn, tmout);
More results from ns16450.c
driver/tef_em1d/kbpd/src/devcmd.c - 4.2KB - 175 lines
32:         /* wait until transmission ready */
33:         ercd = tk_wai_flg(flgid, DeviceCommandReady, TWF_ORW|TWF_CLR,
34:                           &rdy, TMO_FEVR);
driver/tef_em1d/lowkbpd/src/common.c - 11.5KB - 376 lines
288:                         this is aborted by timeout in order to avoid deadlock */
289:         er = tk_wai_flg(CmdFlg, DeviceCommandReady, TWF_ORW | TWF_CLR,
290:                         &dmy, 200);
More results from common.c
driver/tef_em1d/lowkbpd/src/hwkbpd.c - 17.6KB - 631 lines
272:                 /* wait for TP interrupt */
273:                 tk_wai_flg(FlgID, TpFlg, TWF_ANDW | TWF_BITCLR, &flg, TMO_FEVR);
More results from hwkbpd.c
lib/libdrvif/src/gdrvif.c - 32.8KB - 1,032 lines
194:                 /* Wait for DRQ to be returned to the free queue */
195:                 err = tk_wai_flg(gdi->flgid, waiptn, TWF_ORW | TWF_BITCLR,
196:                                                         &ptn, tmo);
More results from gdrvif.c
lib/libtk/src/fastmlock.c - 4.1KB - 198 lines
96:                 ercd = tk_wai_flg(lock->id, ptn, TWF_ORW|TWF_BITCLR, &flg, tmo);
97:                 if ( ercd < E_OK ) {