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kernel/sysdepend/cpu/core/armv7m/sys_timer.h - 3.2KB - 108 lines
32:         /* Set System timer CLK source to Core, Systick exception enable */
33:         out_w(SYST_CSR, 0x00000006);
36: n = (UINT)(TIMER_PERIOD * TMCLK_KHz - 1); 37: out_w(SYST_RVR, n); 38: 39: /* Start timer count */ 40: out_w(SYST_CSR, 0x00000007); 41:
58: (void)in_w(SYST_CSR); /* Clear COUNTFLAG */ 59: out_w(SCB_ICSR, ICSR_PENDSTCLR); 60: }
74: /* Timer interrupt disable */ 75: out_w(SYST_CSR, 0x00000000); 76: }