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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 1 of 1 for funcall:out_b from mtkernel_3/lib/libtm/sysdepend/iote_rza2m/tm_com.c (0.00 seconds)
lib/libtm/sysdepend/iote_rza2m/tm_com.c - 4.3KB - 118 lines
68:                 } while(!(d&FSR_TDFE));
69:                 out_b(SCIFA_FTDR, *buf++);
70:                 and_h(SCIFA_FSR, ~(FSR_TEND|FSR_TDFE));
105: out_h(SCIFA_SMR, 0); /* UART mode, DATA=8bit, Parity=NONE, STOP=1, CLOCK=P1φ/1 (66.67MHz) */ 106: out_b(SCIFA_SEMR, 0); /* Baud rate generator = normal mode, Operates with a frequency 16 times the transfer rate as the basic clock */ 107: out_b(SCIFA_BRR, 17); /* Dividend ratio */ 108: