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SearchGoogle itResults 1 - 1 of 1 for funcall:VideoHsize from tkernel_2/driver/tef_em1d/screen/src/em1d512.c (0.00 seconds)
driver/tef_em1d/screen/src/em1d512.c - 13.0KB - 395 lines
181:                 /* resolution mismatch */
182:                 if (lcd->hde != VideoHsize(Vinf.reqmode) ||
183:                     lcd->vde != VideoVsize(Vinf.reqmode)) continue;
363: /* set memory size to be allocated - 16 bpp assumed. */ 364: rowb = VideoHsize(Vinf.reqmode) * 2; 365: fbsz = rowb * VideoVsize(Vinf.reqmode); 366: 367: Vinf.fb_width = VideoHsize(Vinf.reqmode); 368: Vinf.fb_height = VideoVsize(Vinf.reqmode);