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driver/tef_em1d/sysdsk/src/ataio.c - 6.8KB - 257 lines
48:         return InB(REG_ERR);
49: }
57: 58: return (InB(REG_CYL_H) << 8) | InB(REG_CYL_L); 59: }
69: for (i = 0; i < STATUS_TMO; i += 10, WaitUsec(10)) { 70: if ((InB(REG_STS) & chk) == ok) return E_OK; 71: }
86: WaitUsec(4); /* Waiting is necessary depending on drive */ 87: if (InB(REG_DRVHEAD) == dno) return E_OK; 88: return ERR_NOPORT;
140: /* Check the existence of drive 0 (Master) */ 141: master = (InB(REG_DRVHEAD) == 0xff && InB(REG_STS) == 0xff) ? 142: FALSE : TRUE;