Search | Google it | Results 1 - 1 of 1 for funcall:tm_putstring from tkernel_2/kernel/tkernel/src/task_manage.c (0.00 seconds) |
314: #if USE_KERNEL_MESSAGE 315: tm_putstring((UB*)"tk_ext_tsk was called in the task independent\n"); 316: #endif 322: #if USE_KERNEL_MESSAGE 323: tm_putstring((UB*)"tk_ext_tsk was called in the dispatch disabled\n"); 324: #endif 349: #if USE_KERNEL_MESSAGE 350: tm_putstring((UB*)"tk_exd_tsk was called in the task independent\n"); 351: #endif 357: #if USE_KERNEL_MESSAGE 358: tm_putstring((UB*)"tk_exd_tsk was called in the dispatch disabled\n"); 359: #endif