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lib/libtk/src/sysdepend/tef_em1d/int.c - 11.8KB - 303 lines
96: #define GIO_IIA(b)      GIO(b,0x0014)        /* RW enable interrupt status */
97: #define GIO_IEN(b)      GIO(b,0x0018)        /* -W enable interrupt */
98: #define GIO_IDS(b)      GIO(b,0x001C)        /* -W disable interrupt */
99: #define GIO_IIM(b)      GIO(b,0x001C)        /* R- enable interrupt state */
100: #define GIO_RAW(b)      GIO(b,0x0020)        /* R- interrupt Raw status */
101: #define GIO_MST(b)      GIO(b,0x0024)        /* R- interrupt mask / status */
102: #define GIO_IIR(b)      GIO(b,0x0028)        /* -W reset the cause of interrupt */
103: #define GIO_GSW(b)      GIO(b,0x003C)        /* RW connected to GIO_INT_FIQ pin */
104: #define GIO_IDT(n,b)    GIO(b,0x0100+(n)*4) /* RW interrupt detection method 0-3 */
105: #define GIO_RAWBL(b)    GIO(b,0x0110)      /* R- edge-triggered interrupt status L */
106: #define GIO_RAWBH(b)    GIO(b,0x0114)      /* R- edge-triggered interrupt status H */
107: #define GIO_IRBL(b)     GIO(b,0x0118)       /* -W clear the cause of edge-triggered interrupt L */
108: #define GIO_IRBH(b)     GIO(b,0x011C)       /* -W clear the cause of edge-triggered interrupt H */