============================================================================ "Modification of T-Kernel 2.0 Source Code Package Ver 2.01.03" December 12, 2012 - Modification of T-Kernel Ver 2.01.03 - ---- UPDATE OF SOURCE CODE: [K-20103-1] bms_printf() has been replaced with tm_printf()/tm_sprintf(). [K-20103-2] CONST is added to the declarations of read-only variables. [K-20103-3] Fixed typos in comment and other spots. ---- UPDATE OF DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT: [K-20103-4] Eclipse is upgraded from Release 3.2.2 to 3.7.2. [K-20103-5] gterm.exe is now part of the package. [K-20103-6] Handling of environment variables, BD, GNU_BD, and GNUarm_2 - GNUarm_2 is now GNUARM_2 - Explanatory note is added about how to set them up. - Using fixed paths when these are undefined is no longer effective. [K-20103-7] Added execution permission to files which lacked these. - tkernel_source/drv/tef_em1d/clk/build/mkdrvsvc, mksvc - tkernel_source/drv/tef_em1d/console/build/mkdrvsvc, mksvc - tkernel_source/etc/* [K-20103-8] Fixed emulator bug - It no longer crashes when BKPT or CLREX instruction is executed. ---- UPDATE OF DOCUMENTS: - Added T-License 2.0 (PDF) TEF000-215-120911.pdf - The documents are now in UTF-8 instead of Shift-JIS. - T-Kernel Build Manual Using Eclipse (for tef_em1d) srcpkg/doc/en/eclipse_guide.txt - Updated the description to match Eclipse 3.7 - Removed the description for items that need no setup - Eclipsed-based Development Environment Installation Procedure srcpkg/doc/en/eclipse_setup_guide.txt - Updated the description to match Eclipse 3.7 - Updated the description to match the new packaging - GNU Development Environment and Installation Procedure (Cygwin) srcpkg/doc/en/gcc_setup_guide_cygwin.txt - Updated the explanation to set up environment variables - Updated the description to match the new packaging - GNU Development Environment and Installation Procedure (Linux) srcpkg/doc/en/gcc_setup_guide_linux.txt - Updated the explanation to set up environment variables - tef_em1d Implementation Specification srcpkg/doc/en/impl-tef_em1d.txt - Modified the user initialization program for explanatory purposes End of Memo ============================================================================