============================================================================ "Modifications of T-Kernel 2.0 Source Code Package Ver 2.02.00" June 17, 2015 - Modifications of T-Kernel Ver 2.02.00 - In this version, major modifications have been made from the following perspective, such as the changes of the configuration directories and documents. - The overall configuration has been improved for easy understanding. - Unnecessary parts and unused parts have been deleted. - Bugs, typos, etc. have been fixed. ---- UPDATE OF SOURCE CODE: - Overall modifications - Incorrect words and phrases have been corrected. - CONST declarations have been added. - Casts have been added (Warning is avoided at compile time). - bms_printf and BMS_DEBUG_PRINT have been changed to tm_printf and TM_DEBUG_PRINT. - clean_install target has been added to Makefile. - Along with the modification of libstr, the lowercase function names have been changed to uppercase function names such as MEMCPY. - tkse directory has been deleted. - The functions of bit manipulation and queue operation have been moved to the newly added libsys. - As strchr.c, strcasecmp.c, abs.c, div.c, ffs.c, and memset_w.c were unused, they have been deleted. - drv directory has been deleted and the files below it have been integrated into driver directory. - driver/build directory has been added for the build of all device drivers. - launch-ramkernel under config directory has been deleted and integrated into src. - perl scripts for automatic generation of SVC I/F library scattered in drv and lib/libsvc directories have been moved to etc/sysdepend/cpu/em1d/*. - Major modifications of include directory - As ctype.h was not supported, it has been deleted. - libstr.h: Along with the modifications of libstr, the function name has been changed to tkl_xxxxxx. define has been added for uppercase function names such as defining MEMCPY to tkl_memcpy. The definition to make available function names such as memcpy without tkl_ has been added. #define use_libstr_memcpy_implicit 1 #define use_libstr_func_as_std 0 - tkse/ has been deleted. tcode.h: has been moved to include/tcode.h. bitop.h: has been moved to include/sys/bitop.h. stdlib.h and extension/*: have been deleted since they were unused. - tk/ typedef.h: BOOL type has been changed to UINT from INT. - sys/ segment.h: PINFO and DiskInfo have been deleted. ssid.h: SERIAL_SVC/PRI and H8IO_SVC/PRI have been added. util.h: PINFO and CheckSpaceXXX() have been deleted. - device/ em1d512_iic.h: em1d512_iicspi_svc() has been added. kbpd.h: PNT has been added. h8io.h and share.h: have been deleted since they were unused. - tm/ tmonitor.h: tm_vprintf() and tm_vsprintf() have been added. - Major modification of monitor directory - cmdsvc/src/string.c has been added to enable a standalone link without libstr. - Major modifications of lib directory - libsys/ has been added. The functions of bit manipulation and queue operation: have been moved from tkse/ and kernel/tstdlib. syslog.c and logmask.c: added. - libstr/ The function names have been changed to tkl_xxxxxx with tkl_ as prefix. The function names (weak alias) without tkl_ can be used by the definition in libstr.h. strtol() has been changed to tkl_strtoul(). bzero() and strncmp() have been deleted since they were unused. Overall speed improvement. - libdrvif/ gdrvif.c: Bugs have been fixed. - libsvc/ src/sysdepend/include: has been deleted (include/sys/svc/* is used instead). build/em1d/*.pl: have been moved to etc/sysdepend/cpu/em1d/*.pl. - libtk/ bchkspc.c, bchkspc2.c, and bchkspc3.c: have been deleted since they were unused. - libtm/ tm_printf.c: tm_vprintf() and tm_vsprintf() have been added. - Major modifications of kernel directory - The directories, usermain and usermain_drv, have been deleted and been moved to sysmain/src. - has been modified so that all sub Make executions can be invoked by Make execution in sysmain. - tstdlib/ has been deleted. The bit manipulation functions of libsys (include/sys/bitop.h) are used. All the calls of tstdlib_bitXXXX() have been changed to BitXXX() calls. - klock.c: Bugs have been fixed. - deviceio.c: Unnecessary conditional checks have been deleted. - The location of perl has been changed to standard /usr/bin/perl from /usr/local/bin/perl. ---- UPDATE OF DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT: - The package of Cygwin has been upgraded to Ver.1.7.17 from Ver.1.7.7. - Eclipse plug-in has been improved. - Minor modifications such as performance improvement of te_vcom - gterm has been upgraded to Ver.2.51 from Ver.2.48. - Minor modifications such as Eclipse support - Modifications of QEMU - Unnecessary debug messages have been deleted. - The execution module under Linux has been added. - The directory configuration has been improved. ---- UPDATE OF DOCUMENTS: - T-License is updated from Version 2.0 to 2.1. TEF000-218-150401.pdf - The material which was scattered, duplicated, and hard to understand sometimes has been consolidated into HTML documents. - Figures have been added for easy understanding. Before: ReadMe(_en).txt srcpkg/doc/ja/*.txt srcpkg/doc/changelog/ja/Ver*.txt hardware/tef_em1d/doc/ja/target.txt emulator/tef_em1d/readme(_en).txt After: index.html (Refer to doc/ja/*) ---- Other: - As the generated binary in srcpkg/bin was unnecessary, it has been deleted. End of Memo ============================================================================