T-Kernel 2.0 Source Configuration

1. Introduction

This document explains the T-Kernel 2.0 source code configuration.

For more information about the T-Kernel 2.0 functional specifications, please refer to the "T-Kernel 2.0 Specifications" released by TRON Forum, and "T-Kernel 2.0 (tef_em1d) Implementation Specification" for implementation dependencies.

The basic rules and terminology for the T-Kernel directory configuration are as follows.

2. Directory Configuration

The directory configuration diagram for the entire T-Kernel source is described below.

    |-- kernel               T-Kernel main part
    |     |-- sysinit               System initialization
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- tkernel               T-Kernel/OS
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- sysmgr                T-Kernel/SM
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- sysmain               System main
    |     |   |-- src                     [Application dependent portion]
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- sysdepend             [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |   |-- cpu                     CPU dependent portion
    |     |   |   `-- <CPU Name>
    |     |   `-- device                  Device dependent portion
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     `-- extension             Extension related portion
    |         |-- memory                  Memory management
    |         |   `--nommu                     No MMU
    |         `-- startup                 Extension startup/shutdown process
    |             `--noext                     No Extension
    |-- lib                  Library
    |     |-- build                 Object (build) directory
    |     |   `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- crt                   Start-up routine
    |     |   |-- crt0                    Common start-up routine
    |     |   |   |-- src
    |     |   |   |   `-- sysdepend             [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |   |   |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |   |   `-- build
    |     |   |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |   `-- crttk                   T-Kernel program start-up
    |     |      |-- src
    |     |      |   `-- sysdepend              [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |      |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |      `-- build
    |     |          `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- libsvc                T-Kernel system call I/F library
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   |   `-- sysdepend           [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |   |       `-- <CPU Name>
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- libtk                 T-Kernel function call library
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   |   `-- sysdepend           [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |   |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- libtm                 T-Monitor service call I/F library
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   |   `-- sysdepend           [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |   |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- libstr                Character string operations library
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- libsys                System operations library
    |     |   |-- src
    |     |   `-- build
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     `-- libdrvif              Device drivers operations library
    |         |-- src
    |         `-- build
    |             `-- <Model Name>
    |-- include              Various definition files (header files)
    |     |-- tk                    T-Kernel related definition files
    |     |   `-- sysdepend               [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     |-- sys                   Definition files for system internal information
    |     |   |-- sysdepend               [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |   |   `-- <Model Name>
    |     |   `-- svc                     System call/extended SVC definitions
    |     |-- tm                    T-Monitor related definition files
    |     `-- device                Device driver related definition files
    |-- config               System configuration information files
    |     |-- src
    |     |   `-- sysdepend         [Hardware dependent portion]
    |     |       `-- <Model Name>
    |     `-- build
    |             `-- <Model Name>
    |-- etc                   make rule, various scripts
    |    `-- sysdepend              [Hardware dependent portion]
    |       |-- cpu
    |       |   `-- <CPU Name>
    |       `-- <Model Name>
    `-- bin                   Execution image file
          `-- <Model Name>

3. kernel Directory

4. lib Directory

5. include Directory

This directory only includes definition files, so no objects are generated.

6. config Directory

This directory contains the system configuration information files (rominfo, SYSCONF, DEVCONF) used by T-Kernel.

7. etc Directory

This directory contains the common commands and script files used to build T-Kernel.

8. bin Directory

The final execution/load image files and link maps created in the build directories below are placed in the "<Model Name>" subdirectory. At that time, the previous object file is backed up in the "!OLD" subdirectory.

    kernel/sysmain/build/<Model Name>    T-Kernel main part
    config/build/<Model Name>            System configuration information
    monitor/tmmain/build/<Model Name>    T-Monitor main part

9. Resources Used by T-Kernel