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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    micro T-Kernel 3.00.00
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright (C) 2006-2019 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the T-License 2.1.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org) at 2019/12/11.
   10:  *
   11:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   12:  */
   14: /*
   15:  *      typedef.h
   16:  *
   17:  *      T-Kernel Standard Data Type Definition
   18:  */
   20: #ifndef __TK_TYPEDEF_H__
   21: #define __TK_TYPEDEF_H__
   23: #include <sys/machine.h>
   25: #ifdef CHK_TKERNEL_CONST
   26: #define CONST   const
   27: #else
   28: #define CONST
   29: #endif
   31: /*
   32:  * General-purpose data type  
   33:  */
   34: typedef signed char             B;         /* Signed 8 bit integer */
   35: typedef signed short            H;                /* Signed 16 bit integer */
   36: typedef signed long             W;         /* Signed 32 bit integer */
   37: typedef signed long long        D;             /* Signed 64 bit integer */
   38: typedef unsigned char           UB;              /* Unsigned 8 bit integer */
   39: typedef unsigned short          UH;            /* Unsigned 16 bit integer */
   40: typedef unsigned long           UW;              /* Unsigned 32 bit integer */
   41: typedef unsigned long long      UD;          /* Unsigned 64 bit integer */
   43: typedef signed char             VB;                /* Nonuniform type 8 bit data */
   44: typedef signed short            VH;               /* Nonuniform type 16 bit data */
   45: typedef signed long             VW;                /* Nonuniform type 32 bit data */
   46: typedef signed long long        VD;            /* Nonuniform type 64 bit data */
   48: typedef volatile B              _B;         /* Volatile statement attached */
   49: typedef volatile H              _H;
   50: typedef volatile W              _W;
   51: typedef volatile D              _D;
   52: typedef volatile UB             _UB;
   53: typedef volatile UH             _UH;
   54: typedef volatile UW             _UW;
   55: typedef volatile UD             _UD;
   57: typedef signed int              INT;                /* Processor bit width signed integer */
   58: typedef unsigned int            UINT;             /* Processor bit width unsigned integer */
   60: typedef W                       SZ;         /* Size general */
   62: typedef INT                     ID;               /* ID general */
   63: typedef W                       MSEC;               /* Time general (millisecond) */
   65: typedef void                    (*FP)(); /* Function address general */
   66: typedef INT                     (*FUNCP)();       /* Function address general */
   68: #define LOCAL                   static          /* Local symbol definition */
   69: #define EXPORT                                  /* Global symbol definition */
   70: #define IMPORT                  extern         /* Global symbol reference */
   72: /*
   73:  * Boolean value 
   74:  *      Defined as TRUE = 1, but it is always true when not 0.
   75:  *      Thus, comparison such as bool = TRUE are not permitted.
   76:  *      Should be as per bool !=FALSE.
   77:  */
   78: typedef UINT                    BOOL;
   79: #define TRUE                    1                /* True */
   80: #define FALSE                   0               /* False */
   82: /*
   83:  * Data type in which meaning is defined in T-Kernel/OS specification 
   84:  */
   85: typedef INT                     FN;               /* Function code */
   86: typedef INT                     RNO;              /* Rendezvous number */
   87: typedef UW                      ATR;               /* Object/handler attribute */
   88: typedef INT                     ER;               /* Error code */
   89: typedef INT                     PRI;              /* Priority */
   90: typedef W                       TMO;                /* Time out setting */
   91: typedef UW                      RELTIM;            /* Relative time */
   93: typedef struct systim {                         /* System time */
   94:         W                      hi;                /* Upper 32 bits */
   95:         UW                     lo;               /* Lower 32 bits */
   96: } SYSTIM;
   98: typedef D                       SYSTIM_U;   /* System time (64bit) */
  100: /*
  101:  * Common constant
  102:  */
  103: #ifndef NULL
  104: #define NULL            0
  105: #endif
  107: #define TA_NULL         0U             /* No special attributes indicated */
  108: #define TMO_POL         0              /* Polling */
  109: #define TMO_FEVR        (-1)           /* Permanent wait */
  111: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  113: #endif /* __TK_TYPEDEF_H__ */