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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    micro T-Kernel 3.00.00
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright (C) 2006-2019 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the T-License 2.1.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org) at 2019/12/11.
   10:  *
   11:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   12:  */
   14: /*
   15:  *      messagebuf.h
   16:  *      Message Buffer
   17:  */
   19: #ifndef _MESSAGEBUF_H_
   20: #define _MESSAGEBUF_H_
   22: /*
   23:  * Message buffer control block
   24:  *
   25:  *      Because Receive wait task (TTW_MBF) and Send wait task (TTW_SMBF)
   26:  *      do not co-exist for one message buffer, the wait queue may be
   27:  *      allowed to share.
   28:  *      However, when the size of message buffer is 0, it is difficult
   29:  *      to judge the wait queue if it is for receive or send, 
   30:  *      therefore do not use this method.
   31:  */
   32: typedef struct messagebuffer_control_block {
   33:         QUEUE  send_queue;      /* Message buffer send wait queue */
   34:         ID     mbfid;              /* message buffer ID */
   35:         void   *exinf;           /* Extended information */
   36:         ATR    mbfatr;            /* Message buffer attribute */
   37:         QUEUE  recv_queue;      /* Message buffer receive wait queue */
   38:         W      bufsz;               /* Message buffer size */
   39:         INT    maxmsz;            /* Maximum length of message */
   40:         W      frbufsz;     /* Free buffer size */
   41:         W      head;                /* First message store address */
   42:         W      tail;                /* Next to the last message store address */
   43:         VB     *buffer;    /* Message buffer address */
   44: #if USE_OBJECT_NAME
   45:         UB     name[OBJECT_NAME_LENGTH];   /* name */
   46: #endif
   47: } MBFCB;
   49: IMPORT MBFCB knl_mbfcb_table[]; /* Message buffer control block */
   50: IMPORT QUEUE knl_free_mbfcb;    /* FreeQue */
   52: #define get_mbfcb(id)   ( &knl_mbfcb_table[INDEX_MBF(id)] )
   55: /*
   56:  * Message header format
   57:  */
   58: typedef INT             HEADER;
   59: #define HEADERSZ        (sizeof(HEADER))
   61: #define ROUNDSIZE       (sizeof(HEADER))
   62: #define ROUNDSZ(sz)     (((UW)(sz) + (UW)(ROUNDSIZE-1)) & ~(UW)(ROUNDSIZE-1))
   64: /*
   65:  * Check message buffer free space
   66:  *      If 'msgsz' message is able to be stored, return TRUE.
   67:  */
   68: Inline BOOL knl_mbf_free( MBFCB *mbfcb, INT msgsz )
   69: {
   70:         return ( HEADERSZ + (UW)msgsz <= (UW)mbfcb->frbufsz );
   71: }
   73: /*
   74:  * If message buffer is empty, return TRUE.
   75:  */
   76: Inline BOOL knl_mbf_empty( MBFCB *mbfcb )
   77: {
   78:         return ( mbfcb->frbufsz == mbfcb->bufsz );
   79: }
   81: #endif /* _MESSAGEBUF_H_ */