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tkernel_2/driver/tef_em1d/kbpd/src/devevt.hbare sourcepermlink (0.05 seconds)

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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    T-Kernel 2.0 Software Package
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright 2011 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the latest version of T-License 2.x.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by T-Engine Forum(http://www.t-engine.org/) at 2011/05/17.
   10:  *    Modified by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org/) at 2015/06/01.
   11:  *
   12:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   13:  */
   15: /*
   16:  *      devevt.h
   17:  *
   18:  * KB/PD device manager
   19:  *       definitions for data used for events from I/O driver
   20:  *       definitions for data used for additional events used only inside manager
   21:  */
   23: /*
   24:  *       data type for data used for additional events used only inside manager
   25:  */
   26: typedef enum {
   27:         PIC_TIMEOUT    = -1,      /* timeout */
   28:         PIC_SPRESS     = -2,       /* shift press */
   29:         PIC_KEYUP      = -3 /* key up */
   30: } PseudoInputCmd;
   32: typedef struct {
   33:         T_MSG          head;
   34:         struct {
   35:                 UW    read:1;            /* already read flag */
   36:                 InputCmd cmd:7;               /* command */
   37:                 UW    rsv1:4;
   38:                 DevError err:4;               /* device error */
   39:                 UW    rsv2:16;
   40:         } cmd;
   41: } CommonMsg;
   43: /*
   44:  * types of timeouts
   45:  */
   46: typedef enum {
   47:         TMO_KEY                =  0,         /* >= 0 : key (KeyState number) */
   48:         TMO_MAIN       = -1,         /* PD main button */
   49:         TMO_SUB                = -2          /* PD subbutton */
   50: } TimeoutKind;
   52: #define KeyTmoutKind(i)         ((TimeoutKind)(TMO_KEY + (i)))
   53: #define PdButTmoutKind(i)       ((TimeoutKind)(TMO_MAIN - (i)))
   55: /*
   56:  * timeout status
   57:  */
   58: typedef struct {
   59:         UW             read:1;    /* already read flag */
   60:         InputCmd       cmd:7;        /* = PIC_TIMEOUT */
   61:         UW             rsv1:4;    /* reserved(0) */
   62:         DevError       err:4;        /* error status */
   63:         UW             rsv2:8;    /* reserved(0) */
   64:         TimeoutKind    kind:8;    /* types of timeouts */
   65: } TimeoutStat;
   67: /*
   68:  * timeout messasges
   69:  */
   70: typedef struct {
   71:         T_MSG          head;
   72:         TimeoutStat    stat;
   73:         UW             time;      /* timeout generated time */
   74: } TimeoutMsg;
   76: /*
   77:  * receive data structure
   78:  */
   79: typedef union {
   80:         CommonMsg      head;                /* commoh header */
   82:         /* received data from I/O driver */
   83:         PdInput                pd;           /* PD input data */
   84:         PdInput2       pd2;          /* PD input data 2 */
   85:         KeyInput       kb;           /* KB input data */
   86:         FlgInput       flg;          /* register flag for command */
   88:         /* special data used inside manager */
   89:         TimeoutMsg     tmout;              /* timeout */
   90:         CommonMsg      spress;              /* shift press */
   91: } ReceiveData;
   93: /*
   94:  * extract keytop information from device event
   95:  */
   96: Inline KeyTop toKeyTop( KeyInput *msg )
   97: {
   98:         KeyTop keytop;
  100:         keytop.w = 0;
  101:         keytop.u.tenkey = msg->stat.tenkey;
  102:         keytop.u.kid    = msg->stat.kbid;
  103:         keytop.u.kcode  = msg->keytop;
  105:         return keytop;
  106: }