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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    T-Kernel 2.0 Software Package
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright 2011 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the latest version of T-License 2.x.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by T-Engine Forum(http://www.t-engine.org/) at 2011/05/17.
   10:  *    Modified by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org/) at 2015/06/01.
   11:  *
   12:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   13:  */
   15: /*
   16:  *      @(#)devmgr.h (T-Kernel)
   17:  *
   18:  *      T-Kernel Device Management
   19:  */
   21: #ifndef __TK_DEVMGR_H__
   22: #define __TK_DEVMGR_H__
   24: #include <basic.h>
   25: #include <tk/typedef.h>
   26: #include <tk/syscall.h>
   28: #ifdef __cplusplus
   29: extern "C" {
   30: #endif
   32: #define L_DEVNM         8      /* Device name length */
   34: /*
   35:  * Device attribute (ATR)
   36:  *
   37:  *      IIII IIII IIII IIII PRxx xxxx KKKK KKKK
   38:  *
   39:  *      The first 16-bit is the device-dependent attribute and
   40:  *      defined by each device.
   41:  *      The last 16-bit is the standard attribute and defined
   42:  *      like as followings.
   43:  */
   44: #define TD_PROTECT      0x8000U              /* P: Write protected */
   45: #define TD_REMOVABLE    0x4000U            /* R: Media remove enabled */
   47: #define TD_DEVKIND      0x00ffU              /* K: Device/media type */
   48: #define TD_DEVTYPE      0x00f0U              /*    Device type */
   50: /* Device type */
   51: #define TDK_UNDEF       0x0000U               /* Undefined/Unknown */
   52: #define TDK_DISK        0x0010U                /* Disk device */
   54: /* Disk type */
   55: #define TDK_DISK_UNDEF  0x0010U          /* Other disks */
   56: #define TDK_DISK_RAM    0x0011U            /* RAM disk (Use main memory) */
   57: #define TDK_DISK_ROM    0x0012U            /* ROM disk (Use main memory) */
   58: #define TDK_DISK_FLA    0x0013U            /* Flash ROM, other silicon disks */
   59: #define TDK_DISK_FD     0x0014U             /* Floppy disk */
   60: #define TDK_DISK_HD     0x0015U             /* Hard disk */
   61: #define TDK_DISK_CDROM  0x0016U          /* CD-ROM */
   63: /*
   64:  * Device open mode
   65:  */
   66: #define TD_READ         0x0001U                /* Read only */
   67: #define TD_WRITE        0x0002U                /* Write only */
   68: #define TD_UPDATE       0x0003U               /* Read and write */
   69: #define TD_EXCL         0x0100U                /* Exclusive */
   70: #define TD_WEXCL        0x0200U                /* Exclusive write */
   71: #define TD_REXCL        0x0400U                /* Exclusive read */
   72: #define TD_NOLOCK       0x1000U               /* Lock (resident) non-required */
   74: /*
   75:  * Device close option
   76:  */
   77: #define TD_EJECT        0x0001U                /* Media eject */
   79: /*
   80:  * Suspend mode
   81:  */
   82: #define TD_SUSPEND      0x0001U              /* Suspend */
   83: #define TD_DISSUS       0x0002U               /* Disable suspend */
   84: #define TD_ENASUS       0x0003U               /* Enable suspend */
   85: #define TD_CHECK        0x0004U                /* Get suspend disable request count */
   86: #define TD_FORCE        0x8000U                /* Specify forced suspend */
   88: /*
   89:  * Device information
   90:  */
   91: typedef struct t_rdev {
   92:         ATR    devatr;            /* Device attribute */
   93:         INT    blksz;             /* Specific data block size (-1: Unknown) */
   94:         INT    nsub;              /* Number of subunits */
   95:         INT    subno;             /* 0: Physical device,
   96:                                    1 - nsub: Subunit number +1 */
   97: } T_RDEV;
   99: /*
  100:  * Registration device information
  101:  */
  102: typedef struct t_ldev {
  103:         ATR    devatr;            /* Device attribute */
  104:         INT    blksz;             /* Specific data block size (-1: Unknown) */
  105:         INT    nsub;              /* Number of subunits */
  106:         UB     devnm[L_DEVNM];     /* Physical device name */
  107: } T_LDEV;
  109: /*
  110:  * Common attribute data number
  111:  *      RW: Readable (tk_rea_dev)/writable (tk_wri_dev)
  112:  *      R-: Readable (tk_rea_dev) only
  113:  */
  114: #define TDN_EVENT       (-1)  /* RW:Message buffer ID
  115:                                       for event notification */
  116: #define TDN_DISKINFO    (-2)       /* R-:Disk information */
  117: #define TDN_DISPSPEC    (-3)       /* R-:Display device specification */
  118: #define TDN_PCMCIAINFO  (-4)     /* R-:PC card information */
  119: #define TDN_DISKINFO_D  (-5)     /* R-: Disk information (64 bits device) */
  121: /*
  122:  * Device event type
  123:  */
  124: typedef enum tdevttyp {
  125:         TDE_unknown    = 0,               /* Undefined */
  126:         TDE_MOUNT      = 0x01,              /* Media insert */
  127:         TDE_EJECT      = 0x02,              /* Media eject */
  128:         TDE_ILLMOUNT   = 0x03,           /* Media incorrect insert */
  129:         TDE_ILLEJECT   = 0x04,           /* Media incorrect eject */
  130:         TDE_REMOUNT    = 0x05,            /* Media re-insert */
  131:         TDE_CARDBATLOW = 0x06,         /* Card battery low */
  132:         TDE_CARDBATFAIL        = 0x07,                /* Card battery abnormal */
  133:         TDE_REQEJECT   = 0x08,           /* Media eject request */
  134:         TDE_PDBUT      = 0x11,              /* PD button state change */
  135:         TDE_PDMOVE     = 0x12,             /* PD position move */
  136:         TDE_PDSTATE    = 0x13,            /* PD state change */
  137:         TDE_PDEXT      = 0x14,              /* PD extended event */
  138:         TDE_KEYDOWN    = 0x21,            /* Key down */
  139:         TDE_KEYUP      = 0x22,              /* Key up */
  140:         TDE_KEYMETA    = 0x23,            /* Meta key state change */
  141:         TDE_POWEROFF   = 0x31,           /* Power switch off */
  142:         TDE_POWERLOW   = 0x32,           /* Power low */
  143:         TDE_POWERFAIL  = 0x33,          /* Power abnormal */
  144:         TDE_POWERSUS   = 0x34,           /* Automatic suspend */
  145:         TDE_POWERUPTM  = 0x35,          /* Clock update */
  146:         TDE_CKPWON     = 0x41              /* Automatic power on notification */
  147: } TDEvtTyp;
  149: /*
  150:  * Device event message format
  151:  */
  152: typedef struct t_devevt {
  153:         TDEvtTyp       evttyp;               /* Event type */
  154:         /* Information by each event type is added below */
  155: } T_DEVEVT;
  157: /*
  158:  * Device event message format with device ID
  159:  */
  160: typedef struct t_devevt_id {
  161:         TDEvtTyp       evttyp;               /* Event type */
  162:         ID             devid;             /* Device ID */
  163:         /* Information by each event type is added below */
  164: } T_DEVEVT_ID;
  166: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  168: /*
  169:  * Device registration information
  170:  */
  171: typedef struct t_ddev {
  172:         void   *exinf;           /* Extended information */
  173:         ATR    drvatr;            /* Driver attribute */
  174:         ATR    devatr;            /* Device attribute */
  175:         INT    nsub;              /* Number of subunits */
  176:         INT    blksz;             /* Specific data block size (-1: Unknown) */
  177:         FP     openfn;             /* Open function */
  178:         FP     closefn;    /* Close function */
  179:         FP     execfn;             /* Execute function */
  180:         FP     waitfn;             /* Completion wait function */
  181:         FP     abortfn;    /* Abort function */
  182:         FP     eventfn;    /* Event function */
  183: #if TA_GP
  184:         void   *gp;              /* Global pointer (gp) */
  185: #endif
  186: } T_DDEV;
  188: /*
  189:  * Open function:
  190:  *      ER  openfn( ID devid, UINT omode, void *exinf )
  191:  * Close function:
  192:  *      ER  closefn( ID devid, UINT option, void *exinf )
  193:  * Execute function:
  194:  *      ER  execfn( T_DEVREQ *devreq, TMO tmout, void *exinf )
  195:  * Completion wait function:
  196:  *      INT waitfn( T_DEVREQ *devreq, INT nreq, TMO tmout, void *exinf )
  197:  * Abort function:
  198:  *      ER  abortfn( ID tskid, T_DEVREQ *devreq, INT nreq, void *exinf)
  199:  * Event function:
  200:  *      INT eventfn( INT evttyp, void *evtinf, void *exinf )
  201:  */
  203: /*
  204:  * Driver attribute
  205:  */
  206: #define TDA_OPENREQ     0x0001U     /* Every time open/close */
  207: #define TDA_TMO_U       0x0002U       /* Timeout in microseconds */
  208: #define TDA_DEV_D       0x0004U       /* 64 bits device */
  210: /*
  211:  * Device initial setting information
  212:  */
  213: typedef struct t_idev {
  214:         ID     evtmbfid;   /* Message buffer ID for event notification */
  215: } T_IDEV;
  217: /*
  218:  * Device request packet
  219:  *       I: Input parameter
  220:  *       O: Output parameter
  221:  */
  222: typedef struct t_devreq {
  223:         struct t_devreq        *next; /* I:Link to request packet (NULL:End) */
  224:         void   *exinf;           /* X:Extended information */
  225:         ID     devid;              /* I:Target device ID */
  226:         INT    cmd:4;             /* I:Request command */
  227:         BOOL   abort:1;  /* I:When executing abort request, TRUE */
  228:         BOOL   nolock:1; /* I:When lock (resident) is not required, TRUE */
  229:         INT    rsv:26;            /* I:Reserved (always 0) */
  230:         T_TSKSPC tskspc;       /* I:Task space of request task */
  231:         W      start;               /* I:Start data number */
  232:         W      size;                /* I:Request size */
  233:         void   *buf;             /* I:Input/output buffer address */
  234:         W      asize;               /* O:Result size */
  235:         ER     error;              /* O:Result error */
  236: } T_DEVREQ;
  237: typedef struct t_devreq_d {
  238:         struct t_devreq_d *next; /* I:Link to request packet (NULL:End) */
  239:         void   *exinf;           /* X:Extended information */
  240:         ID     devid;              /* I:Target device ID */
  241:         INT    cmd:4;             /* I:Request command */
  242:         BOOL   abort:1;  /* I:When executing abort request, TRUE */
  243:         BOOL   nolock:1; /* I:When lock (resident) is not required, TRUE */
  244:         INT    rsv:26;            /* I:Reserved (always 0) */
  245:         T_TSKSPC tskspc;       /* I:Task space of request task */
  246:         D      start_d;     /* I:Start data number */
  247:         W      size;                /* I:Request size */
  248:         void   *buf;             /* I:Input/output buffer address */
  249:         W      asize;               /* O:Result size */
  250:         ER     error;              /* O:Result error */
  251: } T_DEVREQ_D;
  253: /*
  254:  * Request command
  255:  */
  256: #define TDC_READ        1      /* Read request */
  257: #define TDC_WRITE       2     /* Write request */
  259: /*
  260:  * Driver request event
  261:  */
  262: #define TDV_SUSPEND     (-1)        /* Suspend */
  263: #define TDV_RESUME      (-2) /* Resume */
  264: #define TDV_CARDEVT     1   /* PC card event (Refer card manager) */
  265: #define TDV_USBEVT      2    /* USB event     (Refer USB manager) */
  267: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  269: /*
  270:  * Definition for interface library automatic generation (mkiflib)
  271:  */
  272: /*** DEFINE_IFLIB
  274: <tk/devmgr.h>
  276: [PREFIX]
  277: DEVICE
  278: ***/
  280: /* [BEGIN SYSCALLS] */
  281: /* Application interface */
  282: IMPORT ID tk_opn_dev( CONST UB *devnm, UINT omode );
  283: IMPORT ER tk_cls_dev( ID dd, UINT option );
  284: IMPORT ID tk_rea_dev( ID dd, W start, void *buf, W size, TMO tmout );
  285: IMPORT ER tk_srea_dev( ID dd, W start, void *buf, W size, W *asize );
  286: IMPORT ID tk_wri_dev( ID dd, W start, CONST void *buf, W size, TMO tmout );
  287: IMPORT ER tk_swri_dev( ID dd, W start, CONST void *buf, W size, W *asize );
  288: IMPORT ID tk_wai_dev( ID dd, ID reqid, W *asize, ER *ioer, TMO tmout );
  289: IMPORT INT tk_sus_dev( UINT mode );
  290: IMPORT ID tk_get_dev( ID devid, UB *devnm );
  291: IMPORT ID tk_ref_dev( CONST UB *devnm, T_RDEV *rdev );
  292: IMPORT ID tk_oref_dev( ID dd, T_RDEV *rdev );
  293: IMPORT INT tk_lst_dev( T_LDEV *ldev, INT start, INT ndev );
  294: IMPORT INT tk_evt_dev( ID devid, INT evttyp, void *evtinf );
  296: /* T-Kernel 2.0 */
  297: IMPORT ID tk_rea_dev_du( ID dd, D start_d, void *buf, W size, TMO_U tmout_u );
  298: IMPORT ER tk_srea_dev_d( ID dd, D start_d, void *buf, W size, W *asize );
  299: IMPORT ID tk_wri_dev_du( ID dd, D start_d, CONST void *buf, W size, TMO_U tmout_u );
  300: IMPORT ER tk_swri_dev_d( ID dd, D start_d, CONST void *buf, W size, W *asize );
  301: IMPORT ID tk_wai_dev_u( ID dd, ID reqid, W *asize, ER *ioer, TMO_U tmout_u );
  303: /* Device registration */
  304: /* ALIGN_NO 0x0100 */
  305: IMPORT ID tk_def_dev( CONST UB *devnm, CONST T_DDEV *ddev, T_IDEV *idev );
  306: IMPORT ER tk_ref_idv( T_IDEV *idev );
  307: /* [END SYSCALLS] */
  309: #ifdef __cplusplus
  310: }
  311: #endif
  312: #endif /* __TK_DEVMGR_H__ */