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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    T-Kernel 2.0 Software Package
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright 2011 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the latest version of T-License 2.x.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by T-Engine Forum(http://www.t-engine.org/) at 2011/05/17.
   10:  *    Modified by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org/) at 2015/06/01.
   11:  *
   12:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   13:  */
   15: /*
   16:  *      @(#)sysdef_depend.h (tk/EM1-D512)
   17:  *
   18:  *      Definition about EM1-D512
   19:  *
   20:  *      Included also from assembler program.
   21:  */
   23: #ifndef __TK_SYSDEF_DEPEND_H__
   24: #define __TK_SYSDEF_DEPEND_H__
   26: /*
   27:  * Program Status Regsiter (PSR)
   28:  */
   29: #define PSR_N           0x80000000       /* conditional flag  negative */
   30: #define PSR_Z           0x40000000       /*                 zero */
   31: #define PSR_C           0x20000000       /*                 carry */
   32: #define PSR_V           0x10000000       /*                 overflow */
   33: #define PSR_Q           0x08000000       /* Sticky overflow */
   34: #define PSR_GE          0x000f0000      /* SIMD >= flag  */
   36: #define PSR_J           0x01000000       /* Jazelle mode */
   37: #define PSR_IT          0x0600fc00      /* Thumb If-Then state */
   38: #define PSR_E           0x00000200       /* data endian */
   39: #define PSR_A           0x00000100       /* disable asynchronous abort */
   40: #define PSR_I           0x00000080       /* disable interrupt(IRQ) */
   41: #define PSR_F           0x00000040       /* disable fast interrupt(FIQ) */
   42: #define PSR_T           0x00000020       /* Thumb mode */
   44: #define PSR_M(n)        ( n )          /* processor mode 0-31 */
   45: #define PSR_USR         PSR_M(16)      /* user mode */
   46: #define PSR_FIQ         PSR_M(17)      /* fast interrupt(FIQ) mode */
   47: #define PSR_IRQ         PSR_M(18)      /* interrupt (IRQ) mode */
   48: #define PSR_SVC         PSR_M(19)      /* supervisor mode */
   49: #define PSR_ABT         PSR_M(23)      /* abort mode */
   50: #define PSR_UND         PSR_M(27)      /* undefined instruction mode */
   51: #define PSR_SYS         PSR_M(31)      /* system mode */
   53: #define PSR_DI          ( PSR_I|PSR_A ) /* disable (ordinary) interrupt */
   55: /*
   56:  * task mode flag
   57:  *      system wide (shared) taskmode
   58:  */
   59: #define TMF_CPL(n)      ( (n) )              /* current protection level (0-3) */
   60: #define TMF_PPL(n)      ( (n) << 16 )        /* previous protection level   (0-3) */
   62: /*
   63:  * system control coprocessor(CP15) : control register(CR1)
   64:  */
   65: #define CR1_M   0x0001    /* enable MMU  */
   66: #define CR1_A   0x0002    /* enable alignment check */
   67: #define CR1_C   0x0004    /* enable (data) cache */
   68: #define CR1_W   0x0008    /* enable write buffer */
   69: #define CR1_B   0x0080    /* endian (1 - big endian)  */
   70: #define CR1_S   0x0100    /* protect system */
   71: #define CR1_R   0x0200    /* protect ROM  */
   72: #define CR1_SW  0x0400   /* enable SWP/SWPB */
   73: #define CR1_Z   0x0800    /* enable branch prediction */
   74: #define CR1_I   0x1000    /* enable instruction cache */
   75: #define CR1_V   0x2000    /* high vector */
   76: #define CR1_RR  0x4000   /* cache : prediction strategy (round robin) */
   77: #define CR1_L4  0x8000   /* ARMv4 compatible mode */
   79: #define CR1_HA   0x00020000      /* hardware access flag */
   80: #define CR1_FI   0x00200000      /* fast interrupt */
   81: #define CR1_U    0x00400000       /* unalligned access */
   82: #define CR1_XP   0x00800000      /* subpage AP bit */
   83: #define CR1_VE   0x01000000      /* interrupt vector mechanism */
   84: #define CR1_EE   0x02000000      /* endian for exception processing */
   85: #define CR1_L2   0x04000000      /* enable L2 integrated cache */
   86: #define CR1_NMFI 0x08000000     /* enable non-maskable FIQ */
   87: #define CR1_TRE  0x10000000     /* enable TEX remap */
   88: #define CR1_AFE  0x20000000     /* enable access flag */
   89: #define CR1_TE   0x40000000      /* enable Thumb exception */
   91: #define CR1_nF  0x40000000       /* clock mode (Fast)  ARM920T */
   92: #define CR1_iA  0x80000000       /* clock mode (Async) ARM920T */
   94: /*
   95:  * Fault Status(CP15:CR5)
   96:  *      (v7) ARMv7 definition
   97:  */
   98: #define FSR_Alignment   0x1       /* 00x1 : misaligned access */
   99: #define FSR_BusErrorT   0xc       /* 11x0 : bus error during address translation */
  100: #define FSR_Translation 0x5     /* 01x1 : missing page during address translation */
  101: #define FSR_Domain      0x9  /* 10x1 : domain access violation */
  102: #define FSR_Permission  0xd      /* 11x1 : illegal access permission */
  103: #define FSR_BusErrorL   0x4       /* 01x0 : bus error during line fetch */
  104: #define FSR_BusErrorO   0x8       /* 10x0 : other bus errors */
  105: #define FSR_Section     0x0 /* xx0x : section */
  106: #define FSR_Page        0x2    /* xx1x : page */
  107: #define FSR_TypeMask    0xd        /* type mask */
  109: #define FSR_ICacheM     0x0004      /* 00100 : instruction cache management(v7) */
  110: #define FSR_AccessFlagS 0x0003  /* 00011 : access flag - section(v7) */
  111: #define FSR_AccessFlagP 0x0006  /* 00110 : access flag - page(v7) */
  112: #define FSR_DebugEvent  0x0002   /* 00010 : debug event (v7) */
  113: #define FSR_TypeMaskAll 0x140f  /* type bit mask for all types(v7) */
  114: #define FSR_WnR         0x0800 /* 1=write/0=read(v7) */
  116: /*
  117:  * memory barrier instruction
  118:  *      ISB()        Instruction Synchronization Barrier
  119:  *      DSB()        Data Synchronization Barrier
  120:  *      DMB()        Data Memory Barrier
  121:  */
  122: #define ISB()           Asm("mcr p15, 0, %0, cr7, c5,  4":: "r"(0))
  123: #define DSB()           Asm("mcr p15, 0, %0, cr7, c10, 4":: "r"(0))
  124: #define DMB()           Asm("mcr p15, 0, %0, cr7, c10, 5":: "r"(0))
  126: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  128: /*
  129:  * software interrupt number for T-Monitor
  130:  */
  131: #define SWI_MONITOR     4   /* T-Monitor service call */
  133: /*
  134:  * software interrupt number for T-Kernel
  135:  */
  136: #define SWI_SVC         6      /* T-Kernel system call and extended SVC */
  137: #define SWI_RETINT      7    /* tk_ret_int() system call */
  138: #define SWI_DISPATCH    8  /* task dispatcher */
  139: #define SWI_DEBUG       9     /* debug support function */
  140: #define SWI_RETTEX      10   /* return from task exception */
  142: /*
  143:  * software interrupt number for Extension
  144:  */
  145: #define SWI_KILLPROC    11 /* request to forcibly kill process */
  147: #endif /* __TK_SYSDEF_DEPEND_H__ */