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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    T-Kernel 2.0 Software Package
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright 2011 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the latest version of T-License 2.x.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by T-Engine Forum(http://www.t-engine.org/) at 2011/05/17.
   10:  *    Modified by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org/) at 2015/06/01.
   11:  *
   12:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   13:  */
   15: /*
   16:  *      @(#)syslib_depend.h (tk/EM1-D512)
   17:  *
   18:  *      T-Kernel/SM EM1-D512 Library
   19:  */
   21: #ifndef __TK_SYSLIB_DEPEND_H__
   22: #define __TK_SYSLIB_DEPEND_H__
   24: #include <tk/errno.h>
   26: #ifdef __cplusplus
   27: extern "C" {
   28: #endif
   30: /*
   31:  * CPU interrupt control
   32:  *      intsts    value of CPU CPSR register
   33:  *      disint()  set CPSR.I = 1, A = 1, and return the original CPSR value
   34:  *      enaint()  set CPSR.I,A = intsts.I,A. Other bits are unchanged.
   35:  *                return the original CPSR value.
   36:  */
   37: IMPORT UINT disint( void );
   38: IMPORT UINT enaint( UINT intsts );
   39: #define DI(intsts)      ( (intsts) = disint() )
   40: #define EI(intsts)      ( enaint(intsts) )
   41: #define isDI(intsts)    ( ((intsts) & 0x01c0) != 0 )
   43: /*
   44:  * Interrupt vector
   45:  *      interrupt vector is the index to the vector table.
   46:  */
   47: typedef UINT    INTVEC;
   49: #define DINTNO(intvec)  (intvec) /* convert to interrupt definition number */
   51: /*
   52:  * value of interrupt vectors
   53:  */
   54: #define IV_IRQ(n)       (  32 + (n) ) /* IRQ interrupt        0-95 */
   55: #define IV_GPIO(n)      ( 128 + (n) )        /* GPIO interrupt      0-127 */
   57: /*
   58:  * interrupt controler
   59:  *      intvec passed to the functions for interrupt controller must
   60:  *      be within the valid IRQ and GPIO ranges above.
   61:  *      If a value outside the valid range is passed, the subsequent
   62:  *      correct behavior of the system is not guaranteed.
   63:  */
   65: /*
   66:  * Set interrupt mode
   67:  *      Set the interrupt mode specified by `intvec' to the mode given
   68:  *      by `mode'. If an illegal mode is given, subsequent correct behavior
   69:  *      of the system is not guaranteed.
   70:  *
   71:  *      The case of IRQ
   72:  *      mode := IM_ENA | IM_INV
   73:  *       or IM_DIS
   74:  *
   75:  *      The case of GPIO
   76:  *      mode := IM_ENA | IM_LEVEL | (IM_HI || IM_LOW) | IM_ASYN
   77:  *       or  IM_ENA | IM_EDGE | (IM_HI || IM_LOW || IM_BOTH) | IM_ASYN
   78:  *       or  IM_DIS
   79:  *
   80:  *      If IM_ENA is specified, the mode setting is done, and
   81:  *      interrupt is disabled (DisableInt) and the interrupt pin is
   82:  *      asserted.
   83:  *      If IM_DIS is specified, interrupt pin is disasserted.
   84:  *      Disasserted interrupt pin doesn't generate interrupt even if
   85:  *      it is enabled (EnabledInt).
   86:  *      In the initial state, pins are dis-asserted (IM_DIS).
   87:  *
   88:  *      The initial status of the following interrupt controllers
   89:  *      that manage GPIO interrupt is such that
   90:  *      as if IM_ENA had been specified and interrupts are enabled
   91:  *      (EnableInt).
   92:  *
   93:  *              IRQ26       GIO6 Interrupt (GPIO port  96-111)
   94:  *              IRQ27       GIO7 Interrupt (GPIO port 112-127)
   95:  *              IRQ50       GIO0 Interrupt (GPIO port   0- 15)
   96:  *              IRQ51       GIO1 Interrupt (GPIO port  16- 31)
   97:  *              IRQ52       GIO2 Interrupt (GPIO port  32- 47)
   98:  *              IRQ53       GIO3 Interrupt (GPIO port  48- 63)
   99:  *              IRQ79       GIO4 Interrupt (GPIO port  64- 79)
  100:  *              IRQ80       GIO5 Interrupt (GPIO port  80- 95)
  101:  */
  102: IMPORT void SetIntMode( INTVEC intvec, UINT mode );
  104: #define IM_ENA          0x0001  /* interrupt pin enabled */
  105: #define IM_DIS          0x0000  /* interrupt pin disabled */
  106: #define IM_INV          0x0002  /* inverted logic */
  107: #define IM_LEVEL        0x0200 /* level */
  108: #define IM_EDGE         0x0000 /* edge */
  109: #define IM_HI           0x0000   /* high-level/leading-edge */
  110: #define IM_LOW          0x0100  /* low-level/trailing-edge */
  111: #define IM_BOTH         0x0400 /* both edge */
  112: #define IM_ASYN         0x0800 /* asynchronous */
  114: /*
  115:  * Enable interrupt
  116:  *      enable interrupt specified by intvec
  117:  */
  118: IMPORT void EnableInt( INTVEC intvec );
  120: /*
  121:  * Disable interrupt
  122:  *      disable interrupt specified by intvec
  123:  */
  124: IMPORT void DisableInt( INTVEC intvec );
  126: /*
  127:  * Clear interrupt request
  128:  *      clear the request of interrupt specified by intvec
  129:  *      We need to clear the requests only in the case of edge-trigger interrupts.
  130:  */
  131: IMPORT void ClearInt( INTVEC intvec );
  133: /*
  134:  * Check the existence of interrupt request
  135:  *      check the existence of request for interrupt specified by intvec
  136:  *      If there is, TRUE (non-zero value) is returned
  137:  *
  138:  *      The existence of the request of interrupt is checked by
  139:  *      'raw' status register.
  140:  */
  141: IMPORT BOOL CheckInt( INTVEC intvec );
  143: /*
  144:  * Issue EOI(End Of Interrupt)
  145:  */
  146: #define EndOfInt(intvec)
  148: /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
  150: /*
  151:  * I/O port access
  152:  *      Only memory mapped I/O for Arm
  153:  */
  154: Inline void out_d( INT port, UD data )
  155: {
  156:         *(_UD*)port = data;
  157: }
  158: Inline void out_w( INT port, UW data )
  159: {
  160:         *(_UW*)port = data;
  161: }
  162: Inline void out_h( INT port, UH data )
  163: {
  164:         *(_UH*)port = data;
  165: }
  166: Inline void out_b( INT port, UB data )
  167: {
  168:         *(_UB*)port = data;
  169: }
  171: Inline UD in_d( INT port )
  172: {
  173:         return *(_UD*)port;
  174: }
  175: Inline UW in_w( INT port )
  176: {
  177:         return *(_UW*)port;
  178: }
  179: Inline UH in_h( INT port )
  180: {
  181:         return *(_UH*)port;
  182: }
  183: Inline UB in_b( INT port )
  184: {
  185:         return *(_UB*)port;
  186: }
  188: #ifdef __cplusplus
  189: }
  190: #endif
  191: #endif /* __TK_SYSLIB_DEPEND_H__ */