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    1: /*
    2:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    3:  *    T-Kernel 2.0 Software Package
    4:  *
    5:  *    Copyright 2011 by Ken Sakamura.
    6:  *    This software is distributed under the latest version of T-License 2.x.
    7:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
    8:  *
    9:  *    Released by T-Engine Forum(http://www.t-engine.org/) at 2011/05/17.
   10:  *    Modified by TRON Forum(http://www.tron.org/) at 2015/06/01.
   11:  *
   12:  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
   13:  */
   15: /*
   16:  *      em1d.h
   17:  *
   18:  *       EMMA Mobile(TM)1-D register definitions (excerpt)
   19:  *
   20:  *       * this is included from assembler program source files
   21:  */
   23: #ifndef __MONITOR_ARM_EM1D_H__
   24: #define __MONITOR_ARM_EM1D_H__
   26: #include <tk/sysdef.h>
   28: #define AB0Base                 0x2fff0000
   29: #define AB0_FLASHCOMSET         (AB0Base + 0x0000)
   30: #define AB0_FLASHCOMLATCH       (AB0Base + 0x0004)
   31: #define AB0_FLASHCOMADD0        (AB0Base + 0x0010)
   32: #define AB0_FLASHCOMDATA0       (AB0Base + 0x0014)
   33: #define AB0_FLASHCOMADD1        (AB0Base + 0x0018)
   34: #define AB0_FLASHCOMDATA1       (AB0Base + 0x001c)
   35: #define AB0_FLASHCLKCTRL        (AB0Base + 0x0080)
   36: #define AB0_FLA_RCLK_DLY        (AB0Base + 0x0084)
   37: #define AB0_WAIT_STATUS         (AB0Base + 0x0090)
   38: #define AB0_CSnBASEADD(n)       (AB0Base + 0x0100 + 0x0010 * (n))
   39: #define AB0_CSnBITCOMP(n)       (AB0Base + 0x0104 + 0x0010 * (n))
   40: #define AB0_CSnWAITCTRL(n)      (AB0Base + 0x0200 + 0x0020 * (n))
   41: #define AB0_CSnWAITCTRL_W(n)    (AB0Base + 0x0204 + 0x0020 * (n))
   42: #define AB0_CSnREADCTRL(n)      (AB0Base + 0x0208 + 0x0020 * (n))
   43: #define AB0_CSnWAIT_MASK(n)     (AB0Base + 0x020c + 0x0020 * (n))
   44: #define AB0_CSnCONTROL(n)       (AB0Base + 0x0210 + 0x0020 * (n))
   45: #define AB0_CSnFLASHRCR(n)      (AB0Base + 0x0214 + 0x0020 * (n))
   46: #define AB0_CSnFLASHWCR(n)      (AB0Base + 0x0218 + 0x0020 * (n))
   47: #define AB0_CSnWAITCTRL2(n)     (AB0Base + 0x0300 + 0x0020 * (n))
   48: #define AB0_CSnWAITCTRL_W2(n)   (AB0Base + 0x0304 + 0x0020 * (n))
   49: #define AB0_CSnREADCTRL2(n)     (AB0Base + 0x0308 + 0x0020 * (n))
   50: #define AB0_CSnWAIT_MASK2(n)    (AB0Base + 0x030c + 0x0020 * (n))
   51: #define AB0_CSnCONTROL2(n)      (AB0Base + 0x0310 + 0x0020 * (n))
   52: #define AB0_CSnFLASHRCR2(n)     (AB0Base + 0x0314 + 0x0020 * (n))
   53: #define AB0_CSnFLASHWCR2(n)     (AB0Base + 0x0318 + 0x0020 * (n))
   55: #define LCDBase                 0x40270000
   56: #define LCD_CONTROL             (LCDBase + 0x0000)
   57: #define LCD_QOS                 (LCDBase + 0x0004)
   58: #define LCD_DATAREQ             (LCDBase + 0x0008)
   59: #define LCD_LCDOUT              (LCDBase + 0x0010)
   60: #define LCD_BUSSEL              (LCDBase + 0x0014)
   61: #define LCD_STATUS              (LCDBase + 0x0018)
   62: #define LCD_BACKCOLOR           (LCDBase + 0x001c)
   63: #define LCD_AREAADR             (LCDBase + 0x0020)
   64: #define LCD_HOFFSET             (LCDBase + 0x0024)
   65: #define LCD_IFORMAT             (LCDBase + 0x0028)
   66: #define LCD_RESIZE              (LCDBase + 0x002c)
   67: #define LCD_HTOTAL              (LCDBase + 0x0030)
   68: #define LCD_HAREA               (LCDBase + 0x0034)
   69: #define LCD_HEDGE1              (LCDBase + 0x0038)
   70: #define LCD_HEDGE2              (LCDBase + 0x003c)
   71: #define LCD_VTOTAL              (LCDBase + 0x0040)
   72: #define LCD_VAREA               (LCDBase + 0x0044)
   73: #define LCD_VEDGE1              (LCDBase + 0x0048)
   74: #define LCD_VEDGE2              (LCDBase + 0x004c)
   75: #define LCD_INTSTATUS           (LCDBase + 0x0060)
   76: #define LCD_INTRAWSTATUS        (LCDBase + 0x0064)
   77: #define LCD_INTENSET            (LCDBase + 0x0068)
   78: #define LCD_INTENCLR            (LCDBase + 0x006c)
   79: #define LCD_INTFFCLR            (LCDBase + 0x0070)
   80: #define LCD_FRAMECNT            (LCDBase + 0x0074)
   82: #define UARTnBase(n)            (0x50000000 + 0x00010000 * (n))
   83: #define UART0                   0x00
   84: #define UART1                   0x01
   85: #define UART2                   0x02
   86: /* omitted */
   88: #define SDIxBase(x)             (0x50050000 + 0x00010000 * (x))
   89: #define SDIA                    0x00
   90: #define SDIB                    0x01
   91: #define SDIC                    0x04
   92: #define SDIx_CMD(x)             (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0000)
   93: #define SDIx_PORT(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0004)
   94: #define SDIx_ARG0(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0008)
   95: #define SDIx_ARG1(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x000c)
   96: #define SDIx_STOP(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0010)
   97: #define SDIx_SECCNT(x)          (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0014)
   98: #define SDIx_RSP0(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0018)
   99: #define SDIx_RSP1(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x001c)
  100: #define SDIx_RSP2(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0020)
  101: #define SDIx_RSP3(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0024)
  102: #define SDIx_RSP4(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0028)
  103: #define SDIx_RSP5(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x002c)
  104: #define SDIx_RSP6(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0030)
  105: #define SDIx_RSP7(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0034)
  106: #define SDIx_INFO1(x)           (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0038)
  107: #define SDIx_INFO2(x)           (SDIxBase(x) + 0x003c)
  108: #define SDIx_INFO1_MASK(x)      (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0040)
  109: #define SDIx_INFO2_MASK(x)      (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0044)
  110: #define SDIx_CLK_CTRL(x)        (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0048)
  111: #define SDIx_SIZE(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x004c)
  112: #define SDIx_OPTION(x)          (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0050)
  113: #define SDIx_ERR_STS1(x)        (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0058)
  114: #define SDIx_ERR_STS2(x)        (SDIxBase(x) + 0x005c)
  115: #define SDIx_BUF0(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0060)
  116: #define SDIx_SDIO_MODE(x)       (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0068)
  117: #define SDIx_SDIO_INFO1(x)      (SDIxBase(x) + 0x006c)
  118: #define SDIx_SDIO_INFO1_MASK(x) (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0070)
  119: #define SDIx_CC_EXT_MODE(x)     (SDIxBase(x) + 0x01b0)
  120: #define SDIx_SOFT_RST(x)        (SDIxBase(x) + 0x01c0)
  121: #define SDIx_VERSION(x)         (SDIxBase(x) + 0x01c4)
  122: #define SDIx_USER(x)            (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0200)
  123: #define SDIx_USER2(x)           (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0204)
  124: #define SDIx_DMA(x)             (SDIxBase(x) + 0x0300)
  126: #define AB1Base                 0x50070000
  127: #define AB1_ERROR               (AB1Base + 0x0000)
  128: #define AB1_GENERAL             (AB1Base + 0x0004)
  129: #define AB1_DEBUG0              (AB1Base + 0x0008)
  131: #define USBBase                 0x60000000
  132: /* omitted */
  134: #define TimerBase(x)            (0xc0000000 + 0x00000100 * (x))
  135: #define TI0                     0x00
  136: #define TI1                     0x01
  137: #define TI2                     0x02
  138: #define TI3                     0x03
  139: #define TW0                     0x10
  140: #define TW1                     0x11
  141: #define TW2                     0x12
  142: #define TW3                     0x13
  143: #define TG0                     0x20
  144: #define TG1                     0x21
  145: #define TG2                     0x22
  146: #define TG3                     0x23
  147: #define TG4                     0x24
  148: #define TG5                     0x25
  149: #define Txx_OP(x)               (TimerBase(x) + 0x0000)
  150: #define Txx_CLR(x)              (TimerBase(x) + 0x0004)
  151: #define Txx_SET(x)              (TimerBase(x) + 0x0008)
  152: #define Txx_RCR(x)              (TimerBase(x) + 0x000c)
  153: #define Txx_SCLR(x)             (TimerBase(x) + 0x0014)
  155: #define AINTBase                0xc0020000
  156: #define IT0_IEN0                (AINTBase + 0x0000)
  157: #define IT0_IEN1                (AINTBase + 0x0004)
  158: #define IT0_IDS0                (AINTBase + 0x0008)
  159: #define IT0_IDS1                (AINTBase + 0x000c)
  160: #define IT0_RAW0                (AINTBase + 0x0010)
  161: #define IT0_RAW1                (AINTBase + 0x0014)
  162: #define IT0_MST0                (AINTBase + 0x0018)
  163: #define IT0_MST1                (AINTBase + 0x001c)
  164: #define IT0_IIR                 (AINTBase + 0x0024)
  165: #define IT0_IPI3_SET            (AINTBase + 0x003c)
  166: #define IT3_IPI0_CLR            (AINTBase + 0x005c)
  167: #define IT0_FIE                 (AINTBase + 0x0080)
  168: #define IT0_FID                 (AINTBase + 0x0084)
  169: #define IT0_IEN2                (AINTBase + 0x0100)
  170: #define IT0_IDS2                (AINTBase + 0x0104)
  171: #define IT0_RAW2                (AINTBase + 0x0108)
  172: #define IT0_MST2                (AINTBase + 0x010c)
  173: #define IT_PINV_SET0            (AINTBase + 0x0300)
  174: #define IT_PINV_SET1            (AINTBase + 0x0304)
  175: #define IT_PINV_SET2            (AINTBase + 0x0308)
  176: #define IT_PINV_CLR0            (AINTBase + 0x0310)
  177: #define IT_PINV_CLR1            (AINTBase + 0x0314)
  178: #define IT_PINV_CLR2            (AINTBase + 0x0318)
  179: #define IT0_LIIS                (AINTBase + 0x0320)
  180: #define IT0_LIIR                (AINTBase + 0x0324)
  181: #define IT3_IEN0                (AINTBase + 0xc000)
  182: #define IT3_IEN1                (AINTBase + 0xc004)
  183: #define IT3_IDS0                (AINTBase + 0xc008)
  184: #define IT3_IDS1                (AINTBase + 0xc00c)
  185: #define IT3_RAW0                (AINTBase + 0xc010)
  186: #define IT3_RAW1                (AINTBase + 0xc014)
  187: #define IT3_MST0                (AINTBase + 0xc018)
  188: #define IT3_MST1                (AINTBase + 0xc01c)
  189: #define IT3_IIR                 (AINTBase + 0xc024)
  190: #define IT3_IPI0_SET            (AINTBase + 0xc030)
  191: #define IT0_IPI3_CLR            (AINTBase + 0xc050)
  192: #define ID_VBS                  (AINTBase + 0xc090)
  193: #define ID_CLR                  (AINTBase + 0xc094)
  194: #define IT3_IEN2                (AINTBase + 0xc100)
  195: #define IT3_IDS2                (AINTBase + 0xc104)
  196: #define IT3_RAW2                (AINTBase + 0xc108)
  197: #define IT3_MST2                (AINTBase + 0xc10c)
  199: #define ASINTBase               0xcc010000
  200: #define IT0_IENS0               (ASINTBase + 0xe200)
  201: #define IT0_IENS1               (ASINTBase + 0xe204)
  202: #define IT0_IENS2               (ASINTBase + 0xe208)
  203: #define IT0_IDSS0               (ASINTBase + 0xe20c)
  204: #define IT0_IDSS1               (ASINTBase + 0xe210)
  205: #define IT0_IDSS2               (ASINTBase + 0xe214)
  207: #define GIOBase(x)              (0xc0050000 + 0x00000040 * (x))
  208: #define GIO_L                   0x00
  209: #define GIO_H                   0x01
  210: #define GIO_HH                  0x02
  211: #define GIO_HHH                 0x08
  212: #define GIO_E1(x)               (GIOBase(x) + 0x0000)
  213: #define GIO_E0(x)               (GIOBase(x) + 0x0004)
  214: #define GIO_EM(x)               (GIOBase(x) + 0x0004)
  215: #define GIO_OL(x)               (GIOBase(x) + 0x0008)
  216: #define GIO_OH(x)               (GIOBase(x) + 0x000c)
  217: #define GIO_I(x)                (GIOBase(x) + 0x0010)
  218: #define GIO_IIA(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x0014)
  219: #define GIO_IEN(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x0018)
  220: #define GIO_IDS(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x001c)
  221: #define GIO_IIM(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x001c)
  222: #define GIO_RAW(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x0020)
  223: #define GIO_MST(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x0024)
  224: #define GIO_IIR(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x0028)
  225: #define GIO_GSW(x)              (GIOBase(x) + 0x003c)
  226: #define GIO_IDT0(x)             (GIOBase(x) + 0x0100)
  227: #define GIO_IDT1(x)             (GIOBase(x) + 0x0104)
  228: #define GIO_IDT2(x)             (GIOBase(x) + 0x0108)
  229: #define GIO_IDT3(x)             (GIOBase(x) + 0x010c)
  230: #define GIO_RAWBL(x)            (GIOBase(x) + 0x0110)
  231: #define GIO_RAWBH(x)            (GIOBase(x) + 0x0114)
  232: #define GIO_IRBL(x)             (GIOBase(x) + 0x0118)
  233: #define GIO_IRBH(x)             (GIOBase(x) + 0x011c)
  235: #define MEMCBase                0xc00a0000
  236: #define MEMC_CACHE_MODE         (MEMCBase + 0x0000)
  237: #define MEMC_DEGFUN             (MEMCBase + 0x0008)
  238: #define MEMC_INTSTATUS_A        (MEMCBase + 0x0014)
  239: #define MEMC_INTRAWSTATUS_A     (MEMCBase + 0x0018)
  240: #define MEMC_INTENSET_A         (MEMCBase + 0x001c)
  241: #define MEMC_INTENCLR_A         (MEMCBase + 0x0020)
  242: #define MEMC_INTFFCLR_A         (MEMCBase + 0x0024)
  243: #define MEMC_ERRMID             (MEMCBase + 0x0068)
  244: #define MEMC_ERRADR             (MEMCBase + 0x006c)
  245: #define MEMC_REQSCH             (MEMCBase + 0x1000)
  246: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGF        (MEMCBase + 0x2000)
  247: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGA1       (MEMCBase + 0x2004)
  248: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGA2       (MEMCBase + 0x2008)
  249: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGC1       (MEMCBase + 0x200c)
  250: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGC2       (MEMCBase + 0x2010)
  251: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGR1       (MEMCBase + 0x2014)
  252: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGR2       (MEMCBase + 0x2018)
  253: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGR3       (MEMCBase + 0x201c)
  254: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGT1       (MEMCBase + 0x2020)
  255: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGT2       (MEMCBase + 0x2024)
  256: #define MEMC_DDR_CONFIGT3       (MEMCBase + 0x2028)
  257: #define MEMC_DDR_STATE8         (MEMCBase + 0x202c)
  259: #define PMUBase                 0xc0100000
  260: #define PMU_PC                  (PMUBase + 0x0004)
  261: #define PMU_START               (PMUBase + 0x0008)
  262: #define PMU_POWER_ON_PC         (PMUBase + 0x0030)
  263: #define PMU_WDT_COUNT_EN        (PMUBase + 0x0060)
  264: #define PMU_WDT_COUNT_LMT       (PMUBase + 0x0064)
  265: #define PMU_INT_HANDLER_PC      (PMUBase + 0x0068)
  266: #define PMU_PSR                 (PMUBase + 0x0070)
  267: #define PMU_TRIG_STATUS         (PMUBase + 0x0074)
  268: #define PMU_REGA                (PMUBase + 0x0078)
  269: #define PMU_REGB                (PMUBase + 0x007c)
  270: #define PMU_INTSTATUS_A         (PMUBase + 0x0080)
  271: #define PMU_INTRAWSTATUS_A      (PMUBase + 0x0084)
  272: #define PMU_INTENSET_A          (PMUBase + 0x0088)
  273: #define PMU_INTENCLR_A          (PMUBase + 0x008c)
  274: #define PMU_INTFFCLR_A          (PMUBase + 0x0090)
  275: #define PMU_PCERR               (PMUBase + 0x00a8)
  276: #define PMU_CMD_BUF_RAM         (PMUBase + 0x1000)
  277: #define PMU_CMD_BUF_FF          (PMUBase + 0x2000)
  279: #define ASMUBase                0xc0110000
  280: #define RESETCTRL0              (ASMUBase + 0x0000)
  281: #define RESETREQ0               (ASMUBase + 0x0004)
  282: #define RESETREQ0ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x0008)
  283: #define RESETREQ1               (ASMUBase + 0x000c)
  284: #define RESETREQ1ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x0010)
  285: #define RESETREQ2               (ASMUBase + 0x0018)
  286: #define RESETREQ2ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x001c)
  287: #define WDT_INT_RESET           (ASMUBase + 0x0020)
  288: #define RESET_PCLK_COUNT        (ASMUBase + 0x0024)
  289: #define AUTO_MODE_EN            (ASMUBase + 0x007c)
  290: #define CLK_MODE_SEL            (ASMUBase + 0x0080)
  291: #define PLL1CTRL0               (ASMUBase + 0x0084)
  292: #define PLL1CTRL1               (ASMUBase + 0x0088)
  293: #define PLL2CTRL0               (ASMUBase + 0x008c)
  294: #define PLL2CTRL1               (ASMUBase + 0x0090)
  295: #define PLL3CTRL0               (ASMUBase + 0x0094)
  296: #define PLL3CTRL1               (ASMUBase + 0x0098)
  297: #define PLLLOCKTIME             (ASMUBase + 0x009c)
  298: #define AUTO_PLL_STANDBY        (ASMUBase + 0x00a8)
  299: #define PLLVDDWAIT              (ASMUBase + 0x00b4)
  300: #define CLKSTOPSIG_ST           (ASMUBase + 0x00c4)
  301: #define CLK32_STATUS            (ASMUBase + 0x00c8)
  302: #define POWER_RECORD            (ASMUBase + 0x00cc)
  303: #define ASMU_INT_STATUS         (ASMUBase + 0x00d0)
  304: #define ASMU_INT_RAW_STATUS     (ASMUBase + 0x00d4)
  305: #define ASMU_INT_ENSET          (ASMUBase + 0x00d8)
  306: #define ASMU_INT_ENCLR          (ASMUBase + 0x00dc)
  307: #define ASMU_INT_ENMON          (ASMUBase + 0x00e0)
  308: #define ASMU_INT_CLEAR          (ASMUBase + 0x00e4)
  309: #define NORMALA_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x00f0)
  310: #define NORMALB_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x00f4)
  311: #define NORMALC_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x00f8)
  312: #define NORMALD_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x00fc)
  313: #define ECONOMY_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x0100)
  314: #define STANDBY_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x0104)
  315: #define POWERON_DIV             (ASMUBase + 0x0108)
  316: #define DIVSP0SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0118)
  317: #define DIVSP1SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x011c)
  318: #define DIVSP2SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0120)
  319: #define DIVMEMCRCLK             (ASMUBase + 0x0128)
  320: #define DIVCAMSCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x012c)
  321: #define DIVLCDLCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0130)
  322: #define DIVIICSCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0134)
  323: #define TI0TIN_SEL              (ASMUBase + 0x0138)
  324: #define TI1TIN_SEL              (ASMUBase + 0x013c)
  325: #define TI2TIN_SEL              (ASMUBase + 0x0140)
  326: #define TI3TIN_SEL              (ASMUBase + 0x0144)
  327: #define TIGnTIN_SEL             (ASMUBase + 0x0148)
  328: #define DIVTIMTIN               (ASMUBase + 0x014c)
  329: #define DIVMWISCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0150)
  330: #define DIVDMATCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0154)
  331: #define DIVU70SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0158)
  332: #define DIVU71SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x015c)
  333: #define DIVU72SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0160)
  334: #define DIVPM0SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x016c)
  335: #define DIVPM1SCLK              (ASMUBase + 0x0170)
  336: #define DIVREFCLK               (ASMUBase + 0x0178)
  337: #define DIVPWMPWCLK             (ASMUBase + 0x0184)
  338: #define AHBCLKCTRL0             (ASMUBase + 0x01a0)
  339: #define AHBCLKCTRL1             (ASMUBase + 0x01a4)
  340: #define APBCLKCTRL0             (ASMUBase + 0x01a8)
  341: #define APBCLKCTRL1             (ASMUBase + 0x01ac)
  342: #define CLKCTRL                 (ASMUBase + 0x01b0)
  343: #define GCLKCTRL0               (ASMUBase + 0x01b4)
  344: #define GCLKCTRL0ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x01b8)
  345: #define GCLKCTRL1               (ASMUBase + 0x01bc)
  346: #define GCLKCTRL1ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x01c0)
  347: #define GCLKCTRL2               (ASMUBase + 0x01c4)
  348: #define GCLKCTRL2ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x01c8)
  349: #define GCLKCTRL3               (ASMUBase + 0x01cc)
  350: #define GCLKCTRL3ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x01d0)
  351: #define AUTO_FRQ_CHANGE         (ASMUBase + 0x01dc)
  352: #define AUTO_FRQ_MASK0          (ASMUBase + 0x01e0)
  353: #define AUTO_FRQ_MASK1          (ASMUBase + 0x01e4)
  354: #define DFS_HALFMODE            (ASMUBase + 0x01e8)
  355: #define FLA_CLK_DLY             (ASMUBase + 0x01f0)
  356: #define MEMCCLK270_SEL          (ASMUBase + 0x01fc)
  357: #define ASMU_BGCTRL             (ASMUBase + 0x0208)
  358: #define QR_ENA                  (ASMUBase + 0x0220)
  359: #define QR_CLKDIV               (ASMUBase + 0x0224)
  360: #define FAKE_MODE               (ASMUBase + 0x0238)
  361: #define POWERSW_STATUS          (ASMUBase + 0x023c)
  362: #define POWERSW_ENA             (ASMUBase + 0x0240)
  363: #define L1_POWERSW              (ASMUBase + 0x0244)
  364: #define ACPU_POWERSW            (ASMUBase + 0x0248)
  365: #define ADSP_POWERSW            (ASMUBase + 0x024c)
  366: #define ACPU_BUB                (ASMUBase + 0x0254)
  367: #define ADSP_BUB                (ASMUBase + 0x0258)
  368: #define POWERSW_ACTRL_EN        (ASMUBase + 0x025c)
  369: #define LOG1SW_ACTRL            (ASMUBase + 0x0260)
  370: #define ADSPSW_ACTRL            (ASMUBase + 0x0264)
  371: #define L1_BUZ                  (ASMUBase + 0x0268)
  372: #define L1_BUZ2                 (ASMUBase + 0x026c)
  373: #define ACPUBUFTYPE             (ASMUBase + 0x0288)
  374: #define ADSPUBUFTYPE            (ASMUBase + 0x028c)
  375: #define HXBBUFTYPE              (ASMUBase + 0x0290)
  376: #define STATUS_RECORD(n)        (ASMUBase + 0x0320 + 0x004 *(n))
  377: #define ACPU_INIT               (ASMUBase + 0x0360)
  378: #define AB1_U70WAITCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03c0)
  379: #define AB1_U71WAITCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03c4)
  380: #define AB1_U72WAITCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03c8)
  381: #define AB1_IIC2WAITCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x03cc)
  382: #define AB1_IICWAITCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03d0)
  383: #define AB1_U70READCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03d4)
  384: #define AB1_U71READCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03d8)
  385: #define AB1_U72READCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03dc)
  386: #define AB1_IIC2READCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x03e0)
  387: #define AB1_IICREADCTRL         (ASMUBase + 0x03e4)
  388: #define AB1_SDIBWAITCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x03e8)
  389: #define AB1_SDIBREADCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x03ec)
  390: #define AB1_SDICWAITCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x03f0)
  391: #define AB1_SDICREADCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x03f4)
  392: #define FLASHCLK_CTRL           (ASMUBase + 0x0494)
  393: #define L2_POWERSW_BUZ          (ASMUBase + 0x0500)
  394: #define LOG2SW_ACTRLEN          (ASMUBase + 0x0504)
  395: #define LOG2SW_ACTRL            (ASMUBase + 0x0508)
  396: #define L3_POWERSW_BUZ          (ASMUBase + 0x050c)
  397: #define LOG3SW_ACTRLEN          (ASMUBase + 0x0510)
  398: #define LOG3SW_ACTRL            (ASMUBase + 0x0514)
  399: #define PLL_STATUS              (ASMUBase + 0x0520)
  400: #define IO_L0_LM_BUZ            (ASMUBase + 0x0814)
  401: #define RESETREQ3               (ASMUBase + 0x083c)
  402: #define RESETREQ3ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x0840)
  403: #define APBCLKCTRL2             (ASMUBase + 0x0848)
  404: #define GCLKCTRL4               (ASMUBase + 0x084c)
  405: #define GCLKCTRL4ENA            (ASMUBase + 0x0850)
  406: #define AUTO_FRQ_MASK3          (ASMUBase + 0x0860)
  407: #define DFS_FIFOMODE            (ASMUBase + 0x0864)
  408: #define DFS_FIFO_REQMASK        (ASMUBase + 0x0868)
  409: #define LCD_FIFOTHRESHOLD       (ASMUBase + 0x086c)
  410: #define CAM_FIFOTHRESHOLD       (ASMUBase + 0x0870)
  411: #define CAM_SAFE_RESET          (ASMUBase + 0x0878)
  412: #define DTV_SAFE_RESET          (ASMUBase + 0x0880)
  413: #define USB_SAFE_RESET          (ASMUBase + 0x0884)
  414: #define CLKCTRL1                (ASMUBase + 0x088c)
  415: #define AB1_SDIAWAITCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x0890)
  416: #define AB1_SDIAREADCTRL        (ASMUBase + 0x0894)
  417: #define MEMC_HAND_SHAKE_FAKE    (ASMUBase + 0x08a0)
  418: #define SEL_BIGWEST             (ASMUBase + 0x08b8)
  420: #define SPnBase(n)              (0xc0120000 + 0x00010000 * (n))
  421: #define SP0                     0x00
  422: #define SP1                     0x01
  423: #define SPn_MODE(n)             (SPnBase(n) + 0x0000)
  424: #define SPn_POL(n)              (SPnBase(n) + 0x0004)
  425: #define SPn_CONTROL(n)          (SPnBase(n) + 0x0008)
  426: #define SPn_TX_DATA(n)          (SPnBase(n) + 0x0010)
  427: #define SPn_RX_DATA(n)          (SPnBase(n) + 0x0014)
  428: #define SPn_STATUS(n)           (SPnBase(n) + 0x0018)
  429: #define SPn_RAW_STATUS(n)       (SPnBase(n) + 0x001c)
  430: #define SPn_ENSET(n)            (SPnBase(n) + 0x0020)
  431: #define SPn_ENCLR(n)            (SPnBase(n) + 0x0024)
  432: #define SPn_FFCLR(n)            (SPnBase(n) + 0x0028)
  433: #define SPn_CONTROL2(n)         (SPnBase(n) + 0x0034)
  434: #define SPn_TIECS(n)            (SPnBase(n) + 0x0038)
  436: #define CHGREGBase              0xc0140000
  437: #define CHG_BOOT_MODE           (CHGREGBase + 0x0000)
  438: #define CHG_L1_HOLD             (CHGREGBase + 0x0004)
  439: #define CHG_LSI_REVISION        (CHGREGBase + 0x0010)
  440: #define CHG_CTRL_SDINT          (CHGREGBase + 0x0104)
  441: #define CHG_CTRL_AB0_BOOT       (CHGREGBase + 0x0108)
  442: #define CHG_CTRL_OSC            (CHGREGBase + 0x0110)
  443: #define CHG_PINSEL_G(n)         (CHGREGBase + 0x0200 + 0x0004 * ((n) / 16))
  444: #define CHG_PINSEL_SP0          (CHGREGBase + 0x0280)
  445: #define CHG_PINSEL_DTV          (CHGREGBase + 0x0284)
  446: #define CHG_PINSEL_SD0          (CHGREGBase + 0x0288)
  447: #define CHG_PINSEL_SD1          (CHGREGBase + 0x028c)
  448: #define CHG_PINSEL_IIC2         (CHGREGBase + 0x0290)
  449: #define CHG_PINSEL_REFCLKO      (CHGREGBase + 0x0294)
  450: #define CHG_PULL_G(n)           (CHGREGBase + 0x0300 + 0x0004 * ((n) / 8))
  451: #define CHG_PULL(n)             (CHGREGBase + 0x0380 + 0x0004 * (n))
  452: #define CHG_DRIVE(n)            (CHGREGBase + 0x0400 + 0x0004 * (n))
  454: #define IICBase(x)              (0x50030000 + 0x00010000 * (x))
  455: #define IIC                     0x01
  456: #define IIC2                    0x00
  457: #define IIC_IIC(n)              (IICBase(n) + 0x0000)
  458: #define IIC_IICC(n)             (IICBase(n) + 0x0008)
  459: #define IIC_SVA(n)              (IICBase(n) + 0x000c)
  460: #define IIC_IICCL(n)            (IICBase(n) + 0x0010)
  461: #define IIC_IICSE(n)            (IICBase(n) + 0x001c)
  462: #define IIC_IICF(n)             (IICBase(n) + 0x0028)
  464: #endif /*__MONITOR_ARM_EM1D_H__*/