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SearchGoogle itResults 21 - 30 of 32 for funcall:SET_FLOAT_WORD (0.01 seconds)
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_expm1f.c - 4.3KB - 121 lines
100:                 GET_FLOAT_WORD(i,y);
101:                 SET_FLOAT_WORD(y,i+(k<<23));  /* add k to y's exponent */
102:                 return y-one;
More results from s_expm1f.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_fabsf.c - 740B - 30 lines
27:         GET_FLOAT_WORD(ix,x);
28:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,ix&0x7fffffff);
29:         return x;
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_floorf.c - 1.7KB - 58 lines
55:         }
56:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,i0);
57:         return x;
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_frexpf.c - 1.1KB - 40 lines
37:         hx = (hx&0x807fffff)|0x3f000000;
38:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,hx);
39:         return x;
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_log1pf.c - 3.3KB - 96 lines
74:             if(hu<0x3504f7) {
75:                 SET_FLOAT_WORD(u,hu|0x3f800000);/* normalize u */
76:             } else {
More results from s_log1pf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_modff.c - 1.7KB - 52 lines
29:             if(jj0<0) {                        /* |x|<1 */
30:                 SET_FLOAT_WORD(*iptr,i0&0x80000000);   /* *iptr = +-0 */
31:                 return x;
More results from s_modff.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_nextafterf.c - 2.1KB - 62 lines
33:         if(ix==0) {                            /* x == 0 */
34:             SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,(hy&0x80000000)|1);/* return +-minsubnormal */
35:             y = x*x;
More results from s_nextafterf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_nexttowardf.c - 2.5KB - 74 lines
43:             volatile float u;
44:             SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,(u_int32_t)(hy&0x80000000)|1);/* return +-minsub*/
45:             u = x;
More results from s_nexttowardf.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_remquof.c - 3.6KB - 120 lines
103: fixup:
104:         SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,hx);
105:         y = fabsf(y);
More results from s_remquof.c
bsd_source/lib/libc/src_bsd/math/s_rintf.c - 1.8KB - 60 lines
40:                 i0 |= ((i1|-i1)>>9)&0x400000;
41:                 SET_FLOAT_WORD(x,i0);
42:                 w = TWO23[sx]+x;
More results from s_rintf.c